Extra Part

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A/N This part would be at the end of the final part of the story, "The End" 

(Ryan's P.O.V.)

"Brendon," I sigh, we hug. This time is different. It seems like both of us need it after the ceremony. He immediately hugs back. I bury my face into his shoulder. Then my director walks in. 

"Agent, when you're finished, we need to talk." He says before walking into a conference room. Brendon lets go first. 

"You should go, I'm not going anywhere." He says, nodding towards the room. I nod and walk to the room. I glance at him one more time before walking into the room. 

"You made too many... Connections." He says. I grunt and sit now across from him. "So, we have a new mission for you..." 


I walk out and look around. "Brendon?" I call. I walk around, looking and calling for him. I see Nicole struggling to move. I run over to help her. "Hey," 

"Hey back. I assume they told you about the plan?" 

"Yeah, are you okay with it?"

"Why wouldn't it? I'll just tell you what you need, I'll still be there for intelligence, knowledge or whatever they said," she sighs. She looks down at her legs. "There has to be a good reason why this happened, why Mike and Hayley-" her breath hitches. They become uneven. "I shouldn't be talking about it right now," she takes a shaky breath, "I'm sorry, I need to find Andy." She says. I help her find the lobby. 

I see Brendon with Ashley. I walk over to them. Ashley sees me and smiles, then she walks away. "Hi,"

"Hi back," he says. He grabs my wrist and walks over to a conference room. "I didn't want to do this in front of everyone, but... When do you have to leave?" He asks softly. 

"Never, they gave me a deal. Since Nicole can't lead the team here, they're letting me take lead. It's a promotion." I smile. He squeals and wraps his arms around my neck. 

"You're staying?!" 

"I'm staying, I'm not going to leave you," I plant a kiss on his lips. "The officers called everyone involved. I think your parents are going to hate you for a little bit." 

"Shoot. What about the parents of those who-" Brendon chokes. "Aren't with us." 

"They will be properly given thanks and some other additions. But I feel like it's-"

"It's not your fault." 

"You're only 17 and you're going through this stuff, and I know it's because of me. But thanks for trying to make me feel better. It'll just take some time." 

"I know... I- well I think I love you." He flat out admits. 

"I love you too." 

Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now