Chapter 17

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Three black bags. Two don't deserve it. One didn't even know what exactly was happening. 

We stand there, watching as people take our friends away. The nurse patches up my shoulder since I refused to go to the hospital. 

"Patrick," I say, slowly walking over. 

"H-he doesn't deserve this." He mumbles. 

"I know." I hold Patrick as he sobs. 

"This... Is your fault!" Ashley points at Mikey. "She wouldn't be dead if you weren't..." She shoves Mikey before walking off. Dallon gives Mikey an apologetic look before chasing after her. 

Patrick shoves me off. "I want to be alone." He chokes before walking away. I don't let the thought of others dying enter my head. But it creeps in anyway. I cover my eyes and fall to my knees. 

This is my fault. Brendon could die. People did die. It's my fault. 

"Ryan..." Mikey kneels next to me and holds me. "You think it's your fault. It isn't. It's Frank's. It's UCS." 

"B-but I should have protected them." I choke back a sob. "I..." The worst possible outcomes fill my mind. Overwhelming me. He holds me tightly. It isn't an act of love. It's an act of comfort. 

"I know." He whispers. 


"Three people died. On your watch. AND SOMEONE IN CRITICAL CONDITION. This is not how you were trained." My boss tells me. "This is not acceptable." 


"Shoot to kill." He says before hanging up. Color must have drained from my face because Mikey looks at me funny. 

"Shoot t-to kill," I repeat. He gasps and nods solemnly. 

"I should go home. I still haven't told Gee everything, and I should." He sighs. 

"I'll come with you," I say. The hospital says I can see Brendon by the end of the week. But at this point, you might as well say wait a century. 

We walk silently to the Way family household. 

"Uh, I don't know how you feel but... I'm sorry about Brendon." I give him a watery smile. 

His hand hovers over the door nob. "Do you hear that?" I whisper, putting a finger over my lips to silence any noise. 


"Gee!" Mikey grabs his gun and runs inside. 

"Stop." Frank grabs Gerard and puts a gun to his temple. "I will kill him. One more step and you'll be grieving your brother too." He threatens. 

"Frank... Please." Mikey begs. He drops the gun and puts his hands up. "He's innocent. Kill me instead. Spare him." 

"Mikey! Don't you dare say that." Gerard shouts. 

"SHUT UP." Frank cocks a bullet in the chamber. 

"Please." Mikey's voice shatters. "I- I'll do anything." 

"Mikey! I love you." Gerard says. He knows something. Mikey tries to kick Frank in the leg, but Frank's faster.



"My brother was always there for me. He was the kindest, sweetest person once you got to know him. He didn't deserve this. We loved each other as brothers should. I felt so lucky that I had a brother like him." Mikey then loses it and walks away. I chase after him.

Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now