Extra Part

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A/N  This is the part where Ryan tells Brendon about Frank being dangerous. This would be placed in chapter 16, before the first page break. 

"Frank isn't whom you think he is..." I tell Brendon. He raises an eyebrow. 

"Excuse me?" 

"He's a bad person. He works for an organization called UCS. They want nothing but war. He's willing to kill for it. He's here to gather information and I'm afraid he's going to try to use one of you. We need to warn the group." 

"And how would you know this?" He asks. 

"Bren-" I sigh. "Fine. I'm an agent for PFI. Basically, I'm against UCS and I was sent here to stop Frank. I'm here undercover." 

"Have you-" His eyes widen. "You've been lying about everything. Was it even real?! Is 'Ryan' even your real name?" 

"Brendon-" I try to come closer to him but he shoves me. 

"You lied about everything? Didn't you? You've been spying on us the entire time. Do you even care about me?" He screams. "You're going to have to leave, aren't you? Why did you do this to me then?"


"NO! I HATE  YOU!" He turns and runs out the door. 

"Brendon!" I run out, he's running towards. the street. I look over and see a red car coming straight his way. "BRENDON! WATCH OUT, CAR!" He must not have heard me because he doesn't stop. I run as quickly as I can. The car is coming straight for him. He's going to die right here, right now. The driver doesn't see either. I run to Brendon and shove him out of the way, the car skims my back. It makes my skin burn. He turns and looks at me. I lose my balance and end up falling to the ground. 

"Ryan-" He kneels down next to me. I try to get up. He grabs my arm and helps me. 

"I get that you hate me- But if you want your friends to live, you have to help me with this," I say. He thinks for a second and then nods. 

Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now