Chapter 11

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"I'm going home, this project is driving me nuts." Brendon yawns to prove his point. He walks right past me without even glancing at me. I turn and watch him open and close the front door. 

"So... Can we talk?" Pete asks in a low whisper. 

"Is it about ya know... The mission at hand?" Mikey asks. Pete nods. "Anyone have ideas on the perp?" Mikey says as he takes out a notebook. I look over his shoulder... He has names written on the pages, filled with information, I see "Brendon", "Dallon", I see the whole gang. "I gathered what I could. You can read over it, we'll write down what you've seen that I might not have." 

Pete grabs the notebook and skims it. He grabs a pencil and adds to the notes, then he passes it to me. All the information I've already observed, except... 

"What about Gerard?" I ask, even though I know he's Mikey's brother.

"There is no way. Gee knows who I am." Mikey shakes his head. 

"Then what about Frank?" 

"Nope, Frank has been with Gee for like... Ever. They started dating while I was away, I'm pretty sure he knows." He counters. I nod my head and add to the information. 

"So far... The ones who are most likely are Ashley, Bob, Brent, Sarah, and Helena. I doubt Ashley and Sarah are, since they've been attending to these schools since first grade. I should know, I've was there. That leaves two players and Bob." Mikey concludes. 

"I agree, although I've only met Bob and Brent, I heard stories about Helena that aren't pleasant. Besides, Bob and Brent have already decided to hate on me. That should mean something, yes?" 

"Yeah, Brent seems more fit, but Bob could just be a good actor. Hiding behind Brent, he still gets the information, without pulling too much attention to himself. No one would suspect him. It's genius." Pete puts an asterisk next to Bob's name. "What about Helena? Ryan, you haven't met her yet, but Mikey?" 

"She tried to get to me. I said no because Gee was with me. He practically slapped her. But it's obvious she's a player. It doesn't seem likely for an agent to want to pull so much attention on them self, but it she could be playing with us." Mikey takes the notebook and marks Helena as well. 

"What's the deadline?" I ask. 

"There is no deadline. I've been here for two years. They sent you to make it go quicker- since you're an elite." 

"That's new..." I mutter, "I always have a deadline." 

"Anyway, you do realize, we have to be careful. If they realize they've been compromised, they'll likely start a gun fight." Pete warns. 

Suddenly my phone rings, making us jump a little. Slowly, I answer the call.


"I've made a horrible mistake." A feminine voice says. 

"Who are you?" 

"You don't recognize my voice? It's Sarah." 

"Sarah?" I announce for the others to hear. "What's wrong?" 

"I'm in the police station, please come for me." She says so softly, I barely hear. 

"Okay... I'm coming." I say before hanging up. "I'll be right back." I tell them before grabbing my jacket and walking out the door. 


"What the hell happened?" I ask while we drive to her house. 

"I'm sorry, okay? My parents are out of the country and I didn't need everyone knowing. I really need you to keep this a secret. Please? Can I trust you?" 

"Fine. But next time, I'll have to tell someone, whether it be Ashley's parents or the school." I answer. 

"I know." She sighs. "I didn't mean to drive drunk, but I didn't want to stay at that bar any longer." 

"Whatever." I stop in front of her house, or technically Ashley's house, and she walks out and to the door. She waves and enters the house. 


"Sarah did what?" Mikey exclaims. "I never thought she'd do something like that! She's always been so nice..." 

"People change over time, you might have grow to be biased towards them. I haven't." 

"Oh really? What if I said Brendon is the spy? Then what?" 

"I-" I didn't expect Mikey to bring that up. "I'd make sure we were one hundred percent sure before we do anything about it." 

"Oh really? It's obvious, even to non-spies that you like him! You two are practically dating! If I said he did it- you'd say no, and would do anything to clear his name, even if you know he's the one." 


"You know it's true." He scowls. "So stop the whining about not being biased- because you are biased, but only towards some of them." He gets up and slams the door. And I stand there. Shocked. 

Who am I?


Welp. Slowly but surely, we made it! We've rewritten every chapter we lost! Now editing...

Hope the schedule get's better, but who knows?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, thanks so much for reading! Luv ya!



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