Chapter 12

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"Are you mental?!" Dallon screams. 

"You are a fucking piece of shit. I thought I trusted you. I thought I LIKED YOU." I turn and is face to face with Brendon. His face is twisted in rage. "I thought I even loved you." He whispers. His voice is rough from screaming. 

"We all trusted you, how could you? We let you in the group. We let you join us." Ashley sighs and shakes her head. 

"You failed the mission, bastard." Mikey scowls. 

"I- please, I don't know-"

"YOU KILLED PETE. HOW COULD YOU." Patrick sobs and screams, Mikey tries to comfort him, but Patrick slaps him away. "HOW COULD YOU?!"

"I- I didn't-" 

"Pete was right. You are the spy. You murdered him. MURDERED HIM." Sarah glares at me. "Pete was a good person." 

None of it matters at the moment. I just stare at Brendon. Who doesn't even look at me. 

"Get out. GET THE FUCK OUT." Brendon glares into my eyes. "NEVER FUCKING COME BACK. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." 


I shoot up from bed. Sighing, I get up. I hear my own shaky breath. My pulse beating quicker than the time I fought 10 people using only a pistol. Note they were armed with machine guns. Somehow, Brendon angry at me broke me, even though I know it's a dream. 

Buzz. Buzz. 


"Hey Ry! I wanted to know if you wanted to come over?" Brendon asks. I note the nickname. He wants me to come over again? Even after what happened last week? 

"S-Sure? I'm still packed from last weekend so, I can just swing over at around 6?"

"Uh... It's 5:50. How are you going to get there so quickly?" 

"I said, I'm already packed." 

"Oh, yeah sure. I'll be here, ready." He says, he ends the call. 


"I didn't think you'd want me back here again." I say as soon as he opens the door. 

"Well, I can't hate you that much. Not as much as I-" He stops himself. Then he gestures for me to come inside. "Uh, I have to call Spencer to make sure he's alright, poor guy got sick. Anyway, I'll be right back, feel free to roam around." 

I take the chance to look around. Then I get to the bathroom. Checking to make sure he isn't done yet, I open the drawers. Everything looks normal... Until I see something shiny in the corner of my eye. I stare it with horror. Just staring. A razor blade. Sitting on top of a bandage pack. In a white drawer. A razor blade. I come to my senses realizing that it doesn't necessarily mean anything that bad. It's clean. No red stains or anything. 

"Ryan? Where'd you go?" I hear Brendon call. I close the drawer and walk down the stairs. 

"Hi. I was just putting my bag down. Got distracted with everything in your room." I give him a small chuckle to sell the lie. 

"Oh, cool. Spencer is doing alright." He informs. "So, I want to tell you something."

"Is that why you invited me over?" 

"No! I want to spend time with you, but I just wanted to tell you something." He pauses. "I like this guy. And I need some advice. Dallon is horrible at advice and-"

"It's okay, continue."

"So, he's really nice to me, and he's cute and even though I just met him, I really... I really like him. I don't know what I should do." 

"Well, if you think it feels right, ask him out. If you aren't sure, wait a little. Do I know this guy?" 

"Yeah, I think so." He bites his inner cheek. I gulp, wondering if he's talking about me. 

"D-do you like Tyler?" I ask. 

"What?! Uh, no. Not Tyler." 

"Oh... So you are gay?" 

"Very." He chuckles. 


"I hate you. You bastard. I loved you. I LOVED YOU." Brendon screams in my face. "I trusted you. Now you want to just leave me?" Tears trail down his face. He starts shaking. "I really, really liked you." He shakes his head and squeezes his eyes together. I want to wrap my arms around him. Want to comfort him. Then a terrifying bang fills my ears. My eyes widen as Brendon falls to the ground. 

"BRENDON." I scream, looking for who shot him. I'll kill them. I'll burn them to hell. I grit my teeth and fall to my knees next to Brendon's now limp body. "I'm so sorry." I clench my fist and bow my head. 

"This is your fault." A voice in my head repeats, over and over again. It's turns into screaming. "HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU."

A scream fills my ears, pain. 

Finally, the nightmare ends. I look over at the reason I woke up so suddenly. Brendon's face is stained with tears and he screams every so often. He grips the sheets and shakes. I get up off the floor and stand next to the bed. I run my fingers down his arm. He twists the blanket around his body. I sit on the edge of the bed. Never taking my eyes off him. I move hair out of his face and grab his hand. 

"Help, please..." He whispers, barely even moving his lips. "No." 

Unsure of what I should do, I lay next to him. Resting my head on his shoulder, lightly. 

"R-Ryan?" He whispers. My head shoot up, he's still asleep. Why is he dreaming about me? In a nightmare? 

I grab his shoulders and shake him awake. "Brendon!" I whisper-shout. His eyes widen. 

He chokes out a sob and gathers his knees against his chest. "I'm s-sorry." He mumbles.

"Are you okay?" 

"I keep having this dream. About everyone suddenly hating me. Then I see them all dead, blood on the floor. Bodies cover the floor. Every time. People I care about."

"You said my name." I point out. 

"Y-Yeah, I care about you. I saw you there." He shudders. "Sorry for waking you up."

"Nah, I was already awake." I shrug. He stares at me with disbelief. "Seriously, it's okay." I trail my fingers down his arm like I did earlier. He shudders a bit. "You should rest." I whisper. I get up, ready to go back to sleep. 

"Wait..." He stops me, "I'm... Kinda scared. C-can you... Stay with me?" He asks, turning a deep shade of red. 

"Sure." I sit back on the bed. Laying down slowly. He watches me. He waits a minute, then unexpectedly, curls up against my side. He rests his head on my shoulder. I can't... But something in my heart tells me it's okay. His breathing becomes even, and he falls asleep. I let myself feel comfortable for once, I relish it. Not having to look over my shoulder constantly, something I haven't experienced in years. 

I feel comfortable... Around him.


Is it bad to say that I loved writing this? I wrote this while Northern Downpour was playing so...

Thank y'all for reading! 

So, the schedule should be... 
Monday, Wednesday, Friday for sure. 
Then either Saturday OR Sunday. 

Hope we can keep this but who knows. 

Again ty for reading!



Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now