Chapter 15

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"So, where do we start? We could start with-" I listen to Pete and Frank from upstairs. Mikey and I hide in Pete's bedroom. Waiting for them to come upstairs.

"Just go to my room. I forgot my binder downstairs." Pete says. I hear Frank laugh and twist the door nob. Mikey and I prepare to strike as he opens the door. He walks in and sets his bag down. Then Mikey jumps up behind him and puts a hand over his mouth and uses the other to bind Frank's wrists. I grab a stun gun and force him to go unconscious.

"What... What is this?" Frank struggles against the ropes. We have ski masks on, therefore, he probably thinks we're intruders or robbers. "Where's Pete?" He asks. I turn around and Mikey drags fake unconscious Pete in the room.

Frank stares at Pete's body. "What did you do?" He asks in a scared, innocent voice. Only an agent would realize he's faking it. His breath becomes slightly unstable. "Let me go, please. Take whatever you one. Please." He begs. I glare at him through my mask.

"After you answer some questions," I say in a rough voice making sure he doesn't recognize me. "What's your real name?" I grunt.

"F-Frank Iero." He mutters.

"What's UCS's plan?" Mikey suddenly asks. Frank looks up and turns pale.

"Take off your masks."He says. Mikey shakes his head with disappointment and asks again. "Last chance, what's UCS's plan?" Mikey pulls out a pocket knife and presses it against Frank's neck.

Pete abruptly coughs really loudly, I forgot that he was even here. He coughs and tries to get up. I use my foot to push him back down. He understands and falls down without me hurting him.

"What?" He groans. If I didn't know he was acting, I'd think he was hurt. He grabs his shoulder.

"I-I think y-you-" He groans in pain. He struggles, rolling as if in pain. Frank stares wide-eyed at Pete. I grab Pete by the other arm and press a knife against his neck. "Tell us what we want to know," I raise my head to face Frank.

"I swear, I don't know what you're talking about!" He cries. Mikey grips his fists.

"FUCKING TELL ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL EVERYONE YOU... Love." Mikey realizes that Frank may love Gerard.

"Please!" Frank's eyes fill with tears.

I pull out a phone. "Explain this." I hit the replay button. He listens in horror. He starts shaking, tears falling. He breaks down when he hears the threat to Gerard.

"Please!" He sobs and screams. "I really can't tell you anything!" He struggles against the ropes. Pete coughs again. I look down, only to see drops of blood.

"Hey, what happened?" I try to sound like I don't care, but I fail.

"Take him to another room," Mikey demands, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I carry Pete to the basement. He continues to cough, which worries me.

"Pete!" I whisper-shout. I bring him to the basement so Frank can't hear us. I lay him on the couch. I take off the mask. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He answers. "Was that believable?" He smiles.

"Damn it, you actor." I shove his shoulder. "How'd you get yourself to bleed?"

"Honestly? I bite down on my tongue, collected the blood in my mouth and coughed it out. Hopefully, that scared Frank enough to speak."


I walk back up to the room. Watching as Frank explains everything to Mikey- he broke.

"He's fine," I whisper. Mikey nods his head.

"Tell me. Do you really love him?" Mikey asks.

"I- I do," Frank whispers.

"You won't tell anyone. Or you know whom we'll come after." Mikey threatens. Frank gulps and watches Mikey untie him. Mikey drags Frank outside and slams the door.


Petes comes up from the basement. I follow him.

Mikey walks up and takes off his mask. "I'm going to kill him." He glares at the floor. "MY BROTHER TRUSTED HIM." He cries. "I have to tell Gee." He says with realization. "Before he gets hurt."

"He really is the spy. We did it." Pete smiles as we look through evidence. "We did it."

My phone rings.

"Ryan," Brendon sighs. "Frank was captured. They let him go but... Pete was also there, and he hasn't seen Pete since they dragged him away." I put the phone on speaker for Pete to hear. "We need to find Pete, now." Pete grimaces and opens the front door, then slams it.

"RYAN! THESE PEOPLE... THEY CAPTURED FRANK. THEY LET ME GO BUT..." He shouts, he then sinks to the ground and sobs.

"He's here. Can we talk later?"

"Oh thank god. Make sure he's okay." Brendon sighs in relief and hangs up.

"Thanks," I say, putting my phone away.

Suddenly, Mikey barges in. "Gee just called me, telling me that Frank was taken by two robbers." His face is red. "I told him..." He mutters under his breath. "I FUCKING TOLD HIM, IF HE TOLD ANYONE, WE'D GO AFTER GEE. HE WAS WILLING-" Mikey stops and sinks to the ground. "I have to go." He murmurs and get's up. He runs out the front door.

"We have to tell everyone," Pete sighs. I nod slowly. I can't believe it. We're almost done. I'll have to leave soon.

I'm not ready to leave.

Not yet. 


Hi. Lol no one reads these anyways. 

Anyway. Updating should be once or twice a week. That's all I'm saying... K?

Luv yaaaaaa! 



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