Chapter 8

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I help him in the car and drive off. We continue until we see the big hospital. He stares out the window. I've never known my parents that well since they are agents. I wouldn't really know how this feels, but I have lost people before.

"It's going to be okay..." I offer. He sighs and opens the door. We walk into the hospital together.

"Urie," Brendon says as soon as we get to the front desk.

"Yes, he came a few hours ago, no visitors though. They are currently doing scans." The lady says. "You can wait in the waiting area for that room though. The room number is 709." She smiles. Brendon mutters a 'thanks' and takes the elevator, me right behind him. He punches the 7.

"It's going to be okay, calm down," I say. He gives me a look.


I stand there, shocked. Frozen. The bell rings, and the door opens. The sigh of clean white, but sounds of pain.

Brendon finds a seat and sits, staring at the door, 709.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm sorry for blowing up on you."

"I understand," I say.

~~~~ Flashback ~~~~

"ALL UNITS TO THE BUILDING NOW!" My commanding officer shouts. All of us quickly shuffle through the crowd of screams and cries. I may be very young, but that ain't stopping me.

"RYAN!" A voice screams. I run into the building, looking for people in need. I run up to floor 5.

"MOMMY!" A girl screams. I run to her, she has a cut on her arm.

"Shh, it's okay." I comfort her. "We have to go-"


"She's waiting for you downstairs," I say, helping her down. The ceiling comes down just as we start running down the stairs.

"HELP!" A voice screams, other voices pierce the air.

"Jon, help this girl find her mom," I say, he carries her.

"I got this, don't worry." He says. I run to the other people. Helping them get on their feet. Smoke fills my lungs, I just know it.

"HELP!" Another voice screams. I point to the stairs for the other people. "PLEASE HELP!" She screams. I rush to her, she's pinned down.

"Talk to me, about anything you want to." I grab the cement with my hand, preparing to pull it off her.

"I- 'm here because my husband wanted to show me something, did you find him?" She whispers, I pull it off her. "I-" She screams, the cement comes off of her and she screams, I throw it to the side.

"Here." I help her up. We make our way to the ground floor, the building collapses just as we step out.

Other screams and people point.

Many people are rushed to the hospital.

"Where's Jon?!" I shout. "JON!" I scream as I turn to the rubble. I bodies. A girl stares at the rubble. That girl from before.

"He saved me..." She whimpers.


~~~End of flashback~~~

"Anyone here for room number 709?" A nurse says. Brendon and I stand up. "Come in." She says, opening the door.

Brendon walks in first. Slowly.

"Father." He says, staring at the machinery. "How are you." His spine straightens and shoulders back. His dad stares at him.

"You aren't supposed to be here." He frowns.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Urie." I interrupt.

"Brendon Boyd Urie! You sure as hell better not be gay." He says in a stern voice. Brendon just stares. He frowns then grabs my wrist.

"Here I was trying to support you, to help you, but it's obvious, you don't need me." He says, then he pulls me out the door.

"Brendon?" I finally speak up during the car ride. "Are you okay?"

"No." He scoffs. "Would you be?" He plays with the edge of his shirt.

"I guess... I can get Dallon if-"

"No, it's okay, please stay." He whispers.

I nod and stop the car. "Let's go," I say. We get out and walk into the house.

"Let's play a game." He suggests.

"What game?"

"Would you rather..." He says. "Would you rather be locked in a room with Dallon or Pete?"

"Uh... Pete, I feel like Dallon would murder me with stupid jokes and memes."

"Now you ask me a would you rather."

"Would you rather stand in rain or snow?"

"Rain, no-brainer, snow is too cold. Would you rather... date a guy or girl."

"Depends," I start, "If he's like you, well, of course, I'd choose him. But if now, probably a girl." I say, leading him on. He blushes.

"Ryan..." He starts.

"Would you rather date Dallon or Sarah?' I interrupt him.

"I- what? Uh... YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!" He shouts. He jumps up and falls onto the bed. He fake snores.

"If you snore that loud, I'll leave," I say. He flicks his head back and stares.

"You wouldn't dare."

I sink into my little blanket bed. He grins and sits next to me. I lay down. "Goodnight," I whisper.

"Night." He says. 


Lol. Sorry for the wait, we have been speed writing for the week. 

Note, we will not talk about the Kenny thing UNTIL it is 100% proven for sure, so please, stop sending us DM's. We will NOT talk about it until it is proven. Lunar and I. We don't know anything, neither do you. (When it is proven, this part will be deleted. And replaced with what happened or what didn't.) 

Also, congrats to Lunar for making it through the first round of writing tryouts! Wish her luck! (I bet she'll get in, but she has NO self confidence at ALL.) 

Anyway, sorry for the wait, hopefully update schedule gets better...



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