Chapter 6

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I stand there stunned. What? My jaw must have fallen to the ground because he groans.

"I knew it." He sighs,"it's fine, I never expected you to say yes anyway." He sighs again and walks away.

I stand froze. I never expected this. He opens the door, walks out, and closes it. 

"Hey." Another voice says, opening the door, Brendon. "You okay? Pete came out kinda... Off."

"Nothing." I say. He walks closer towards me.
"God, this is so embarrassing, but..."
"Wait, before you ask me, you should know-"
"You've had ice cream before, right?" Brendon asks.
"What? Oh, uh, yes?"
"Okay, do you want to go to Frozen Treat n' More with us then?"
"Why wouldn't I?" I give him a playful glare. He smiles and we walk out together. He keeps looks back at me, as if I'd disappear, it's like he's making sure I'm still there. 


"FBI, OPEN THE DOOR!" A loud knock fills the room. Shit, why are they here, I haven't found anyone yet. 

"Ahhh!" Dallon falls, hitting his face against the couch. "Ow..."

"I got it." Brendon says.
"No, I got it." I say, pushing his away. "Why-" I open the door, only to be faced with a smile. 

"Pizza?" A guy says. He smiles at me. He has black hair, and very, very pale skin. "Hi! You must be Ryan, I'm Gerard, you can call me Gee." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. And I do. Another guy comes up from behind him.

"I'm Frank." He says. He's extremely short, also has black hair, and has tattoos covering his arms. He wraps his arm around Gerard. It looks pretty hilarious and cute at the same time. They enter. Everyone rushes towards them and hug.
"It's been too long!" Dallon cries. "Haven't seen you since the summer!"
"Honestly, I don't remember the summer party that well. I was drunk about 97% of it." Gerard says.
"B-but, that's where we first kissed!" Frank exclaims. 

"Heh, I remember that." Ashley says. "I take full credit by pushing Gee into Frank."
"But I'm the one that made it very, very passionate." Gerard wiggles his eyebrows. 

"UGHHHH GET A ROOM." Dallon shrieks.  

"Hey, where's Mikey?" Pete asks. 

"Mikey and Ray are helping at the animal shelter because they'd rather help puppies than eat ice cream with Mr. Dallon Weekes." Gerard pats Dallon on the back. "Actually that doesn't sound that bad... They'd rather clean up dog shit than eat ice cream." He says with a smile. Dallon bursts out laughing. 

"I want to go there with them!" Ashley whines. "I don't want to be stuck with you losers!!" She grabs her bag. "Sarah, you coming?" She asks, then she and Sarah walk out the door. 

"Wow, rude." Dallon says. "Oh forget them! It's ICE CREAM!!!" He shouts. 

We walk out the door. "I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM-" 


"Wow, dark." Dallon mutters. 


"That was nice." Brendon says after ice cream. It was. I might be going insane, but whenever our hands graze, my heart quickens. I might actually... No, I can't. I have a mission.

"So, do you want to come over? My parents are out on business... Again, and I have the house to myself. And Dallon can't come over because he's going to his Grandma's. I'm also pretty sure Ashley and Sarah doesn't want to come over... And who know what the fuck Pete and Patrick are doing. Spencer is going somewhere, I forgot, so..." 

"Ow, I was the last you asked?" 

"No! I- People were just... I- You were the first I asked." 

"But  because of process of elimination." 


"I'm teasing. Of course, I'd like to come over." I say. 

"Okay! I'll wait, while you pack?" 

"Sure." I smile. 

You are loosing touch in the mission, mission, stay in the mission. You are not looking for real friends.


Hi! Hope you enjoyed! 

So recently, all of the pre-made stories disappeared... AHHHHHHHH. 

So the schedule might be messed up. We took a while to edit and write all of these, that took about a month... And ET&M and I don't have hard copies of them... #Poorplanningskills2k18

God help us... Sorry, SATAN HELP USSSSS. 

Yeah... *cries* It was 10 whole chapters... 

Thanks for reading!



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