Chapter 13

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"Morning," I smile when I see Brendon open his eyes. He smiles at me. "You realize today is Sunday right? We have school tomorrow. Also, it means we get to see the gang."

He rubs his eyes and stretches. "We're going to the amusement park." He grins. "You'll love it, I promise." 

I get up off the bed and reach into my bag, pulling out a change of clothes. "I'll get ready first." I say. I walk out the room and in the corner of my eye, I see him scan me. I smile and walk into the bathroom. 


"It's really loud." Is the first thing I say when we arrive at the park. Dallon and Ashley start teasing each other like always. Lights fill the entire area. Children laughing. Faint screams coming from people on twisty rides. 

"LET'S GO TO THE ROLLER COASTERS." Pete screams. Everyone cheers. Mikey gives me a look and drags Ray to the mirror room. Gerard and Frank run off to the haunted house. Spencer goes to the games along with Sarah and Ashley. 

"That leaves the cool ones." Dallon grins. "Let's go to the Demon!" He screams like a child. He grabs Pete's wrist and runs. 

"Let's go!" Brendon grabs my wrist as well. As he drags me, I twist my arm a little and grab his hand instead. He looks back for a second. He then looks at our hands which are intertwined. "W-we should get in line." He whispers. Pete turns around while in line. He grins and continues talking to Dallon. 


"That was... Odd." I say after the ride. It was just a lot of adrenaline. Very fast. Dallon screamed into my ear half the time. And he was behind me. The ride left me a bit dizzy, but it interested me. It's a different kind of fun compared to everything else. 

"Hey! It's already 9." Brendon looks at his watch. "Let's go to the Ferris Wheel! The lights should all be on by now." He grins. Dallon, Pete, Brendon, and I run to the Ferris Wheel line. We see the rest of the gang. 

"Same thought huh?" Pete smiles. He pokes Mikey in the ribs. "Ya'll are so predictable." Mikey gives him a playful glare and slaps Pete away. 

"Everyone get a partner and a seat." The guy working at the Ferris Wheel line says. 

Patrick and Pete get in one. Frank and Gerard into one. Sarah and Ashley. Spencer and Dallon. Mikey and Ray. That leaves Brendon and I. We get in and he closes the door. It's a clear tiny box like thing. With a colored roof. I look at the ground, which is also clear. I can see the grass in the field. It's completely enclosed, I assume so no one sues them because a child died by foolishly falling.

"Get ready!" Brendon grabs my arm. Soon enough, the Ferris Wheel is slowly climbing it's way up. He smiles and looks at the lights below us.

"It's beautiful." I say, looking down at the lights, blinking lights, neon, colors. There are a lot of colors. I hadn't realized how beautiful lights could be. But a lot of color together surely makes something beautiful. I feel a light tap on the shoulder. I sit up straight and look at him. 

"Ryan, I wanted to tell you for a while now." He starts. He glaces to Dallon's cart and then at the lights. We must be on the very top by now. "I- I like you." He admits. I stare into his eyes. Beautiful. I wrap my arms around his neck. Holding him close. He slightly pushes off, and connects our lips. His fingers trail down my spine and stop at my waist. I gently hold him tighter. 

Slowly, we stop and stare. He smiles, a familiar one. Calming. 

"I like you too." I whisper. 


"TOOK 'EM LONG ENOUGH!" ~Lunar, 10-8-2018

Lol but true dat. We've been waiting RYDEN. *Glares* 

Anywayyyy, we totally bombed the 'schedule' so, FORGET THAT SHIT. We update when we want... DEAL WITH IT BITCHES. 

I mean... We aren't supposed to call ya'll bitches... I mean uhhhh.... *BUSTEDDDD* 

*sigh* Lunar is gonna fire me...

Anywhooo... Thanks for reading! 



Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now