Torture Scene

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A/N This is in Brendon's P.O.V. This occurs when Frank captures Patrick and Brendon. This would have happened somewhere in chapter 21. 

(Brendon's P.O.V.) 

All I remember is being thrown into the back of a van. The sound of gunshots hitting the side of the van. I look, squinting my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I faintly remember him holding Patrick at gunpoint and forcing us into a van. But I heard Ryan scream so I looked back. That's when he grabbed me and threw me into the van. I must have hit my head.  

"Brendon?" Patrick whispers. "Are you okay? That sounded pretty bad." He looks like he's about to cry. 

"No, please don't cry. Ryan and Mikey will find us. They'll get us. Don't worry." I crawl over to him and hug him tightly. "I'm fine, we're going to be fine." 

Suddenly the van comes to a quick stop. The doors slam open and I see him- well not really- I just see a man in all black, wearing a black ski mask. He raises his gun and hits Patrick with the butt of it. I can't help but scream. He turns to me and suddenly everything goes black. 


I slowly wake up. I see Patrick sitting in a chair across from me. I try to get up, but I find my wrists tied to the arms chairs and my ankles tied to the legs of the chair. And a rope around my waist, tying me to the back of the chair. "Patrick!" I whisper-shout. 

I watch as he groggily opens his eyes. He groans and tries to reach for his head, but realizes he's tied down, just like I am. His eyes widen. "Don't scream," I whisper. "If you do, he's more likely to come down and gag you." He nods slowly, but tears start to form in his eyes. A boom makes my heart race. I watch as the man picks up a knife. He turns to Patrick and puts duck tape over his mouth. He turns to me. 

Oh god. I gulp as he squeezes the handle of the knife. He walks over to me and pulls his mask off. Oh my god. It's Frank. He glares at me. "Where's Ryan now?" He meets me at eye level. "I need you to tell me Ryan's agent number." 

"I don't know-" He drops the knife and slaps me. "Please! I really have no idea, he never told me and-" He punches me, hard. I let out a groan, but I keep my eyes on Patrick. He stares at me with worry. "I- I'm fine," I say. Frank looks at me. Then he looks back at Patrick. "No! Keep- no, I'll- don't hurt him." He growls. "What's Ryan's agent number?" 

"I swear, I don't know anything about agent numbers!" He punches me again. I spit out blood on to the cement floor. He just stares but in a cruel manner. "Agent number." His eyes narrow at me. 

"Uh- 83690?" I stutter. My brain throbs. 

"Now, I know you're lying because I know for a fact that PFI numbers are only four digits." He punches me repeatedly until all I can see is black and red. He groans and looks at his knuckles which are split. 

"Son of a bitch." I sneer. "You can't get anything out of me." He punches me again. He must have given up because he picks up the knife. 

"If punching doesn't get anything out of you." He squeezes the handle as he did before. "Maybe cutting will." He presses the blade against my skin and draws it against it. I let out an uncontrolled scream as the searing pain travels up my arm. I feel blood drip down to the ground. My blood. 

"Agent. Number." He stops sliding the knife against my skin. 

"Frank- I swear-" He slides the knife in the same area, but deeper. "I- swear," I cry out in pain. This is too much. My vision blurs. "Please," I beg as tears roll down my cheeks. 

"Fine," he walks over to Patrick. He puts the knife against Patrick's arm. "Tell me the number or your friend gets a nice, deep cut." 

"No! Please, I swear to god, I have no idea what Ryan's agent number is!" 

"Now that's just the thing. Even if you were telling the truth... I don't believe you." He presses down on Patrick's arm. 

Then he stops. Frank stops and pulls the tape off of Patrick's mouth. Sick, he wants to hear the screams. He continues to cut along Patrick's arm, deeper than mine. I wince as Patrick lets out an unruly scream. 

"No- PLEASE! I'LL- PLEASE!" Patrick screams. He struggles against the ropes. 

"I DON'T KNOW IT I SWEAR! STOP HURTING HIM! HURT ME INSTEAD!" I scream, trying to get Frank to stop. Suddenly something beeps. Frank turns to a laptop and smiles. 

"Your boyfriend is pretty smart." He smiles. He turns it over for us to see. I stare, watching Ryan and Mikey look around some kind of stop. Frank types something into the computer and smiles. A faint beeping comes from the laptop. I see Ryan scream and both him and Mikey run out of the store. Then the store blows up. 

"RYAN!" I scream, tears rapidly falling from my eyes. I see him blow forward and hit his head against the concrete. He falls unconscious. "NO!" I cry. Frank turns the laptop off. 

"Agent number." He says before cutting my arm again. I start to feel overly dizzy. I'm losing too much blood. "I was really hoping it didn't have to come to this." He sighs. He turns over to the table and grabs a match. He comes back to me and lights the match. "Still not going to tell?" He asks. He shakes his head in disappointment. He touches the flame to my arm and I scream, louder than I ever had before. He makes a trail, the flame only barely touches my arm but it burns like hell. 

After what feels like forever, he stops. "Nothing?" He asks. "Fine." 

Then everything goes black. 

Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now