Chapter 3

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"Update." I list off names and things about them to be added into a giant book. 


"WAKE UP YA DUMB-O." Someone yells. Dallons hits Brendon in the face with a pillow. 

"Hey, is he awake yet?" Brendon whispers. Since I'm not facing them, I have no idea who they are talking about, but according to Brendon's voice... He's nervous, maybe even embarrassed. 

"I dunno." Dallon says. "Ryan!" He whisper shouts. I decide not to answer him, this could be a way to finding information. 

"He's asleep still." Dallon says. 

"Dal... He's kinda cute, don't ya-" 

"Ohhhhh you like him." 

"I do not... Maybe... I don't know! He's really nice and cute and like... I dunno..." 

"Hmmm... Brendon and Ryan... Ryden sounds cute." He says. 

"Great.. I knew I should have told Spencer, not you." 

"But, if you like him... Make a move! He could die tomorrow." Dallon says. 

"B-but it's not that easy!" Brendon whines. 

"Your choice, but just remember, if he dies tomorrow, don't cry to me 'cause ya didn't make a move." Dallon says. Then the conversation stops. I pretend to wake up. 

After faking a yawn, I turn and look at Brendon. "Morning." I say. I get up. Pete's eyes follow me. 

"Hey." Ashley says mid-yawn. "Coffee?" She points at the machine. "I made a ton." She says. "Now I gotta wake up Sarah." She sighs. 

"Hey." Brendon says behind me, though, I already knew he was there. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Alright..." I say. "You?" 

"Fine..." He says. "Just a random question... Do you have a girlfriend?" His cheeks turn pink. 

"Why do you assume it'd be girlfriend and not a boyfriend?" I tease. "Nah, I'm a virgin kisser. Hell... I've never had anyone like me, let alone love me." I say. Goddammit, my mission is to be in and out by the end of the month, not have so many friends, and a possible lover...

"So... You might be gay?" He asks slowly. 

"What, you interrogating me? I might be." I say before walking off. 


"URIE" The teacher shouts. "Pay attention. What is the answer to question 15?" Brendon stares at his paper and makes a face. He looks at me pleading for help. God... I have to help him... I do the natural thing... And start tapping. He looks for a second giving me an even more confused look. 

"Uh... X equals negative 4?" He says. I look at him and sigh. 

"Ross, do you have the answer?" 

"X equals 19." I say with a sigh. Brendon looks at me. 



"What the hell was that tapping?" Brendon asks after class. 

"Morse code." 

"Cool, you memorized that?" 

Of course, I have to, I'm an agent. "Yeah, it was a boring summer." I lie. He nods. 

"See ya at lunch?" He says. I nod. 


Sorry for the long wait!!! Lunar has been busy af and didn't get the chance to read through and do planning with me! Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 


Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now