Chapter 23

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"Where's Dallon?" Brendon asks, looking up at the stars. He lays on his back, on the blanket, which is placed on the grass. 

"He-He's in a better place now."  I look at the huge star that twinkles brightly in the dark sky. "He's with that star." 

Brendon sighs. "I miss him." 

I look over at him, tears starting to stain his cheeks. I scoot closer to him. "Me too, but he's safe now. He's with Pete, Gerard, Spencer, and Sarah." 

"Why'd he have to leave?" He buries his face in my chest. 

"It was time to become an angel." I play with a strand of his hair. "He's watching us though." 

"Can he hear me?" 

"He's with you, following you, no matter what." 

He looks up at the sky, stars filling it. Maybe it's the world's way of saying that there is hope. He stares at the biggest one, shining the brightest. 

"Hi, Dallon. I miss you. Everyone misses you. I hope you're doing okay. You promised we'd be together forever. I- I guess you were right." 

Brendon sits up and hugs his knees to his chest. "My brain doesn't want to handle this right now." He concludes. "I want this to end, Ryan." I sit up and wrap my arm around him. 

"I know." He leans his head on my shoulder. "I know," I whisper again.


"We're your backup." A voice says, he pounds on the door. 

"How many?" I ask. 

"Eight." He answers back. I open the door. 

"Introduce yourselves." 

"I'm Andy Biersack. Field agent." 

"Hayley Williams. Field agent." 

"Otto Wood. You already know me. I do surveillance." 

"Remington Leith. I usually analyze data and make plans." 

"Jenna Black. Sniper." 

"Emerson Barrett. Sniper." 

"Mike Naran. Field Agent." 

A girl from behind the group comes in the room. "Hi, you." She says. I realize why I know her. 

"Nicole Row. I'm actually the leader of the task force in this area."

"I thought I knew you!" I say. She smiles. "I assume Brendon is the boyfriend that got shot?" 

"Yeah. Who's your boyfriend?" 

"Technically he isn't my boyfriend. But he's a close friend. And I was there when he was targetted. It's Mike over here." She punches his shoulder. He smiles back and lightly shoves her shoulder. 

"OTTO!" Awsten screams, he tackles Otto to the ground. "I missed you so much, how have you been!?" 

"Awsten, I can't breathe." Otto groans underneath him. Awsten jumps up. "I've been great, finally joined a task force." 

"Anyway, can I speak with the leaders?" I ask before walking off to a private room for discussion. Two people follow me. I turn and face them. "Andy, Nicole. I'm going to inform you on what I know, and based on what I see, Frank Iero is not only dangerous, he's becoming reckless. He'll stop at nothing to get the information he was assigned to get and he's willing to kill anyone that gets in his way. I understand that you have 6 others who are willing to embark on this mission, but you should know that he targets those you love, those you care about, and no doubt will hurt civilians. I need you both to know that if we don't kill him first, he'll kill you. I've been giving orders, shot to kill." 

"I need to ask you a question, has he taken anyone you care about?" Andy asks. 

"Yes, many people, you know the agent, Michael Way? Iero took his brother. He's taken a lot from the people who still stand with us." 

"Ryan, you do realize you have to leave this place after this is over?" 

"Yes, I understand." 

"Then what about Brendon Urie?" Nicole asks. 

"I- I'll take care of it when this is over. My only concern is getting rid of Iero, and preventing any war that UCS wants to start. Oh, I'll also have you know that one of the UCS agents, Joshua Dun, killed himself. But with that, he took a close friend, Dallon Weekes. The duo has also taken Pete Wentz, former PFI, Gerard Way, the brother of Agent Way, Sarah Orzechowski, she became corrupt, and followed Frank, unknowing about this situation, and Spencer Smith, a civilian that had nothing to do with this." 

Both of them gasp. "That many?" Nicole asks worriedly. I nod solemnly. 

"Shoot to kill," I repeat. "Now, we need a plan. Do you suggest we bring this information to the others?" I ask. They both nod. 


Hi! Sorry for the wait. We've been busy and stuff. Also, it's just writer's block and pure laziness. And someone forgot that we have to edit before posting *glare face* 

Anyway, enjoy. If you want a music suggestion... Listen to Palaye Royale. Idk. 

Uh, enjoy your life. 




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