Chapter 4

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"So yeah, Mr. Finkle is a freaking monster." Ashley rants. "Like, no normal teacher forces you to like, do 2 tests the same goddamn day." 

"Oh, cool." Dallon says, he balances a spoon on an orange. "I'm super talented." He smiles. 

"Shut up." Sarah throws a fork at the orange, making the spoon fall off. 

"Oh..." Then Dallon gives us a huge grin. "So, let's say the spoon and fork had sex." He attaches the fork to the spoon. "That's how the spork was created, kids." He says in a professor-like voice. Silence. Then everyone bursts out laughing. 

"You doofus." Ashley smacks Dallon on the arm. 

"Geez woman, that hurt." He rubs his arm. 

"Hey, losers." A voice snickers. I turn around to be faced with some guy. 

"Got lost Brent." Brendon says, he looks at Brent then at me. 

"Nah, fag." Brent goes to shove Brendon. Hell no.

I grab his arm and twist it until he's forced to kneel. 

"What the hell!? Let go!" Brent whimpers. I simply put more force.  

"Call someone that again, and you'd better watch your back." I whisper in his ear before letting go. Brent scurries away. Brendon give me a look like I'm Superman. Pete looks at me with a look of thinking. I see the wheels in his head turning. 

"Wow, looks like we have a hero here!" Dallon pats me on the back.  I give them a weak smile. 

"Adrenaline?" I say, though it comes out as a question. Teenage uncertainty, something so small, but can force anyone to believe I'm just a high schooler. 

"I guess." Pete shrugs. 

Brendon still looks at me. Then he smiles. Dallon starts laughing like a maniac. 

"What up Dal?" Ashley asks, looking a bit concerned. 

"I forgot to do my band assignment, and I was freaking out until right now... I don't even take band..." He stutters while laughing. And that's enough to get everyone to burst out laughing. 


"What's your deal?" Brent says walking up to me, this time he brought someone else. "You think you can be 'cool' or maybe even popular?" He sneers. "You're a joke, just wanted to impress your boyfriend." I back up into a corner, and of course, no one else comes help me. High school.

"Perhaps, perhaps not." I say. 

"You're a fake." The unnamed guy says. 

"And you look like you were burned five times because this guy," I point at Brent, "said that smoking was fun. You look like a fucking burnt marshmallow." I shoot back. 

He tries to swing a punch at me, which I easily dodge. "What's you're name, burnt toast?" I say, trying to piss him off.  

"You little-" He tries to kick me, which only leads to him hitting his foot against the lockers. Brent looks horrified. He scrunches up his face and looks like a bull about to charge. Brent tries, I grab his fist to stop him, then I kick him in the leg to make him fall. He falls hard on his knee. "You lil' fucker." He groans. Brunt toast guy looks stunned and just stands there. I take my chance by slapping his face and punching him in the gut- no see-able bruises. He stammers back, I push him out of my way and I make my way outside. 

"Hey, what took so long?" Brendon asks with a small smile. 

"Just... A little situation." I say. He gives me a small nod. Then Dallon walks up. He looks at Brendon then at me. 

"Let's go." He smiles. Brendon walks with him. Whispering something. 

"So, you seem cool." Pete says. 

"Nah, you seem a lot better with these things." 

"You don't know me." He whispers in my ear before walking with Patrick. I think about that for a second. I really don't know them... How is that I'm trusting them so easily? 

Brent is obviously someone to pay attention to, and his burnt faced partner. 

Brendon looks back at me, we have eye contact for a split second before he turns away. 

I can trust them, right? 

A/N Hi! Thanks for reading!!!!
Also... The plan for this story... *tsk* You are all gonna hate us by the end.
Anyway, thanks! 



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