Chapter 16

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"Ryan?" I hear Brendon call when I open the front door. Puzzled about why he's in my house, I enter the house and close the door. I gave him a key if he needed it, but I didn't think he'd use it.

"Bren?" I spot him in the living room. He stands up, with worried eyes. Dried tears stain his cheeks. "What happened?" I rush over to him, he sighs and wraps his arms around me. He squeezes my body tightly. I pat his back to comfort him as he cries into my shoulder. We stay there for a minute, and I let him cry.

"I was so worried... I found out about Frank and Pete. I couldn't stop thinking... So I came here, I thought you and Pete were here, but you weren't. I came in and looked everywhere... I thought- I thought someone-" He holds me like it's the last time we'd see each other.

"I brought Pete back to his home as soon as he came here. I stayed with him for a while." I explain. "I didn't think you'd come over," I whisper. He nods against my chest.

"I have to tell you something," I say. He nods slowly. "Frank isn't whom you think he is..."


"We called you all here, to explain something." Pete starts. Brendon grips my hand and gives me an encouraging look. I stand up next to Pete and Mikey.

"Frank works for a place called UCS. If UCS succeeds, we'd be in a third war by the end of the year." Mikey closes his eyes, letting this set in. "UCS sent spies to every state to find information. Frank was assigned here."

"Bullshit," Sarah speaks up. "Frank isn't the problem, you are." She points at me.

"Sarah..." Brendon starts.

"No, Sarah, you don't understand. I'm here specifically to stop Frank. You can trust me."

"No, I won't believe you. Frank isn't evil." She cries. Pete tries to speak up but she runs out of the room.

"Get her!" The three of us chase her, she can't tell Frank anything. She stops running when she gets to a parking lot.

"Sarah, stop..." I say cautiously. We prepared guns, but I'd rather not hurt her.

"FRANK!" She shouts. Frank comes out from the shadows, Sarah pulls out a handgun, and he has a machine gun.

I pull the guns out of my bag and toss them to Pete and Mikey.

"Sarah, whatever he told you... He's lying-" Mikey tries to convince Sarah, but Frank shoots the ground. "Shut up!" He grunts.

He starts shooting at us.

"TAKE COVER!" Pete screams. We separate, hiding behind whatever we can.

"We seriously need better guns!" Mikey groans. He takes a shot at Sarah, which she dodges. She shoots back.

"Ryan!" Brendon shouts. I turn in horror.

"Get away from here!" I scream. The entire gang is here. Shit. Frank mumbles something to Sarah and they run in separate directions.

"EVERYONE OUT," Pete shouts. He gets up and points to a building across the street. "GO!" He commands. They start trying to run over, but Sarah runs over, blocking their way. Pete and Sarah try to shoot each other but fail.

More bullets chase us. Then Frank turns his attention to everyone else. He tries to shoot Ashley, then Patrick. He tries to shoot everyone. Mikey rushes over to another car to hide. He ends up somewhat behind Frank. He tries to shoot, but Frank is a moving target.

"DODGE!" I shoot Sarah and move to help Pete get everyone out of the gunfire.

"Sarah!" Ashley cries out. Frank frowns and shoots someone, I don't see who, but I hear a deafening thud.



Shit. No.

I take a shot at Frank, but I miss. He turns his attention to me. He shoots at me. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain spread throughout my arm. My shoulder burns. The harsh pain only last a second, but the pain stays. I don't even look a the wound. I just raise my gun again. 

"EVERYONE RUN," Mikey shouts. I try to shoot Frank, but his gun beats mine at speed.

"RYAN!" Pete shoves me out of the way, my wounded shoulder hits the ground and I cry out. I grab it and see red liguid on my hand. I flinch when I hear a thud. Right next to me. 

"PETE!" I scream, he has a gunshot wound in his chest. I get up and run straight towards Frank, tackling him to the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU," I shout at him. I stop thinking rationally. I press a gun to his chest.

"RYAN!" I make the mistake of looking over. Frank pushes me to the ground. He takes my gun and aims at Brendon.

"NO!" He shoots Brendon, somewhere, I just run to catch Brendon. Frank runs away.

"PETE!" Someone cries.

"Brendon. Brendon. Please...Open your eyes." I rip my shirt and use the fabric to put pressure on his bullet wound. He coughs up blood and I refrain from crying. "Please. You can't leave me. Please." I beg. His eyes slowly flutter open.

"Ry-Ryan?" He croaks. "I don't know what h-happened..." He looks at the blood that covers my skin and clothes. "You're hurt..."

"Save your energy, please." I choke out. I sob and grab him, holding him against my chest.

"PLEASE MOVE ASIDE." A strong voice demands. I look up at the officer. I let him carry Brendon to an ambulance. I run after him. 

"You need medical attention!" A nurse chases me. Another grabs my wrist. 

"Your shoulder needs to be checked out." She says. 

"Ry-Ryan?" Brendon shouts. The doctors try to help him. I  swat the nurse away and run over to grab his hand.

"It's okay. I'll be here." I say. I squeeze his hand.

"Please move aside." A doctor says. Brendon closes his eyes. "HE'S SEIZING." They start to perform a procedure for now. They watch the heart monitor.

"BRENDON!" I shout. Mikey runs up to me and wraps his arm around me to stop me from running to Brendon again.

"Calm down." He whispers. "Let them do what they must." I still try to fight against him.

"No..." They bring him into the car and leave the parking lot. Racing to the hospital I assume. I shove Mikey off and chase the ambulance. Knowing I can't reach him. I still try anyway.

So close but so far. 


Read the end while listening to Dying in LA or Cancer. I dare you. Hell, even Goner, What a Catch, Northern Downpour, etc, etc, etc. 

Twas listening to House of Wolves while writing. So... May be a bit over dramatic at times. 

Hope you enjoyed. 



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