Chapter 20

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"DALLON!" A piercing scream fills the house. We all rush to the room to scream came from. "Dallon... He's gone!" Ashley panics. "He was here and he's just gone!" I see Mikey pick something up. 

"A note, from Dallon..." Mikey reads the note to us. 

Please don't come after me. I have to do this. If I don't... I won't be able to live with myself... Please forgive me. I'm sorry. ~Dallon

"Find him." I clench my jaw. I know where he is. He's going after Josh and Frank. 

This is a suicide mission.


As we arrive at Josh's house, the tension rises. Brendon grabs my hand and squeezes it. We reach the door. I pull out my handgun and so does Mikey. Brendon grips a knife and Ashley has a baseball bat. Patrick is in the car in case Josh tries to run. I slam the door open and we run inside. I throw a smoke bomb in the living room and we wait. We hear coughing soon and the smoke clears. I aim my gun. Josh stands there with a knife in hand...

"DALLON!" Ashley screams. The red color flashes in my eyes. I've soon too much of that certain tint of red. And the body. The obvious stab mark in his chest. Piercing his heart. 

"Put the knife down," I say. We need Frank. 

"I- I'm so sorry." Josh stutters. He grips the knife tighter. 

"You aren't going to hurt anyone. Put the knife down." 

"Dallon- he came and just started hitting me and-" Josh's hand shakes. "I had to..." He chokes. "Frank is the last place you saw him." 

Realization hit me hard. "Wait- NO!" I drop the gun and run to his side, catching him before he falls. The knife sticking up from his chest. He splutters blood. 

"I- I'm so sor-" The light leaves his eyes and his head rolls to the side. The body becoming limp in my own arms. Brendon kneels next to me. Mikey comes over too. I drop his body and stand up, walking over to Dallon instead. It still doesn't hit me that he's gone. Ashley grips his hand, sobbing. 

"Ash..." I put my hand on her shoulder. She turns and hugs me, sobbing into my shoulder. I hold her tight, she needs this. 


"I feel like it's going to end with one person standing. I'm not letting you risk your life, Ryan." Mikey says. "Me against Frank. That's it."

"No, this is my mission too." 

"You have more to lose. And if he does escape, you need to track him down." 

"I- I can't do it alone." 

"This is the life we signed up to." He says before throwing the file down and walking upstairs. Ashley went home after her parents worriedly called. She broke the news immediately. 

"Ryan?" I hear a soft voice come from the shadows. "Are you okay?" Patrick walks into the dim light. He hugs my shoulders. "Even heroes cry." He pats my back. I wish I could, but no tears come out. 

"I brought so much pain and d-death." I shudder. 

"Please, don't leave. Don't leave and follow the same path Dallon did." He begs. I realize he hasn't worn his fedora ever since Pete passed. No one has acted the same since the gunfight. "Everyone blames themselves. But I understand why you feel like it truly is your fault. 

"Patrick, I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't change the truth. But thank you." He whispers. "Go spend time with Brendon, I think both of you need it." He lets go of me and bods his head to the staircase. 

"Thank you," I whisper as I make my way to Brendon's room. "Bren?" I call when I see his room is empty, despite the lights on. However, the bathroom light is also on, and the doors are closed. 

"Brendon?" I knock on the door and press my ear to the door. "Brendon?!" I start to panic. I debate whether or not I should kick the door open. "Open the door, please!" I frantically twist the doorknob. I grab a pin and start to pick the lock. I'm not sure why I don't kick the door down, but probably because the bathroom is small and the door could hit him or something. I hear a click and I rush in. He laying against the cabinets, half conscious. And bleeding. 

"Bren!" I grab a cloth off the counter and clean off his wrists. Deep cuts cover them. At least 5 deep cuts and a few light ones. I was right. "How could you...?" My voice cracks. I clean the wounds. 

"Ry-" His eyes flutter open. He looks at me innocently. Almost like he doesn't know what happened. Maybe he doesn't. He looks at his wrists. 

"Why would you do this to yourself?" I almost let tears fall. I bandage his wrists tightly. I hold his against my body and bury my face in his shoulder. I finally let all the tears I have left to come out. "Why?" 

"I'm sorry." He holds me too. He kisses the back of my neck. He pulls me forward and looks me in the eye. "I don't know what I was thinking." He chokes. 

I press my lips to his quickly and suddenly. His eyes widen but he kisses back immediately. We suddenly end up with him laying on his back and me straddling his waist, still holding each other, still kissing. His tongue skims my bottom lip. My hand feels the space between his shirt and jeans, just skin and I rub my thumb against it. He shivers and pulls his head up to kiss me harder. I move my hand up his shirt, it rests at the subtle curve of his waist. 

He pulls away slowly and looks into my eyes. "I love you," I say. I wait for an answer. His jaw drops a bit, making his lips part. 

"I love you too." He says in a low whisper, which makes my heart beat faster. We get up off the tile floor and walk to the actual bedroom before laying down. I kiss his cheek. I trace his jawline with my thumb. "Thanks for saving me earlier." 

"I won't let you go as long as you don't," I whisper. 


I've been obsessed over The Light Behind Your Eyes. It's such a good song. I swear, I've listened to it on repeat for like... Three days. 

I hoped you enjoyed the cringy kissing. Hahahahahahaha... I've never kissed anyone sooooo, I'm not very good at writing about it HAHAHAHAHAHHA 

I sure as hell better not have kissed someone yet, I'm only 13, my dudes. 

Yeah. Sorry for the long wait...



Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now