Chapter 21

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We wake up to sunlight shining into the room, which is great and all, but at the same time, feels like the Universe is ignoring the fact that we witnessed a suicide yesterday and that same person killed a friend. Good friend.

"Morning," Brendon smiles sweetly. I kiss his cheek in reply, resting my arm around his waist. "I'll go check on Patrick and Mikey." He says. Patrick I assume is sleeping downstairs and Mikey is in the room next to us. He goes downstairs first. I walk over to Mikey's room and find him awake and staring at a photo. 

"Mikey?" He looks up and puts the photo face down on the bed. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I just..." I pick up the picture. Him and Gerard. "I miss him." He confesses, he softly sniffles. I rub his back. 

"I know," I let him lean on me. Suddenly, we hear a loud thud and we jump up, immediately running downstairs. I grab my gun while running. We enter the living room and see it empty. 

"RYAN!" Brendon screams. The door slams shut and we run to it, opening it and running out. Brendon is shoved in the back of a car and they drive off. I shoot the car. But I miss every time. 



"It's Frank, I just know it," I mutter as Mikey paces around.

"We have to relocate. Far from here. They know the location now..." He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. 

"There's a warehouse about five miles from here," I suggest. He nods and starts to grab things. I need to focus on finding Brendon. I pull out my laptop and code myself into the PFI database. I check cameras, everything. Frank must've done it. I look at the car again. I input the license and see that it's registered under Gerard's name. He stole it. I try my best to look through the window. His job. It hits me. No one is working right now because it's a weekend. Gerard worked part-time at an art store. No one is there. And the card to get in is in the front seat. 

"You find something?" Mikey notices my expression. I nod. 

"Where exactly did Gerard work?"


We're at the art store in less than five minutes. "Door's open," I tell Mikey. He nods and we put up our guns. I slam the door open and we rush inside. We scan the area. Nothing. 

"I got nothing," I shout to Mikey. Then I see a file. Out of place, in front of a door. I open the door, nothing. I turn back to the file. I open it and see pictures of Brendon and Patrick. I stare at the pictures wide-eyed. 

"Mikey!" I shout, slamming the file shut to show him. 

"C-Come here." He shouts back. I walk over to him. 

"What-" I stare at the small square device. It has a blinking red dot and a timer. My eyes widen. "RUN!" We turn, dashing out of the store, barely making it out but before we can take another step the thing explodes behind us. We fly forward. I hold my arms up to protect my head. And the last thing I remember is everything going dark. 


"Where am I?" I groggily lift my head, it decided to spin and become heavy, so I fall back. I turn it to one side. Mikey holds a damp towel, dabbing it on my arm. "Ow, that stings." I flinch. 

"Sorry, you skinned your arms. Thought I should clean them." He replies, he grabs my arm and goes back to cleaning it. 

"Sorry... Where are we?" 

"Warehouse. You passed out, so I carried you, just in case..." He focuses on my arm. "What are these lines?" He asks, tracing them with his finger. 

"Nothing. But... You carried me?" 

"Calm down, it wasn't too far. Besides, the police were coming, we don't have the time to deal with that." He fixes the pillow under my head. He looks up, and finally meets my eyes. "We'll find him." He stares me straight in the eyes. "I also found this file? You were holding it pretty tightly." 

"Right, did you look in it?" 

"No, wasn't sure if I could." 

I swing my legs over and walk to the table. I throw the file open. "Fucking threats," I tell him, reading the little note at the bottom. 

Give me what I want, and he lives.

A picture of Brendon, beaten and sobbing. Screaming at whatever camera Frank uses. The bleeding on his face. I see another body in the back. Patrick. Tied up. 

"What does he even want?" Mikey says just as my phone goes off. I pick up. 

"I assume you survived the... blast. So now I'll tell you what I want. I want you to meet me at Woodgrove in 13 hours, you need to give me your database passwords. Then you'll get him back. Go against me... And," A gun goes off and Brendon lets out a scream, broken and weak. Like he's been screaming too much. 

"13 hours," Frank repeats.

 "DON'T DO IT RYAN- DON'T-" The phone clicks off. 

Memes. Memes. MEMES. 







Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

I hope Ryan Ross had some cheez whiz today. I hope Tyler Joseph got some TB. I hope ya'll aren't mad at us for only updating once a week. 

I promise you, once the goddamn midterma are over, we'll post more... Probably...



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