Chapter 9

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Once he was asleep I opened my eyes, I could tell because, he forgot to go to his bed, so I could hear his breathing starting to shallow, and because of the light snores.

I get up and walk down the stairs. Taking out my phone. I dial the number. 

"Speak." He booms. I fill them in, talking about what happened, but only certain parts, I leave out the hospital and the sleepover part. "Recorded." He says. Then the call ends. 

I quickly walk up the stairs again and see Brendon. Smiling, I lay back down. Next to him. Listening to his breathing. Watching his chest raise and fall. Slowly, his eyes open, and wander to me. At first he scans my body. Then he realizes what he just did and blushes. 

"Good morning." I say, sitting up. He sits up too

"How long have you been awake?" He asks, while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"Only about 5 minutes." I answer, standing up. He stands up to. I catch him scanning me again in the corner of my eye. I walk out the door. I hear him walk after me. 

"Pancakes?" He asks, walking straight into the kitchen. I nod. I take a look around. Then something catches my eye. 

"What is this?" I ask, pointing at a badge. 

"I dunno, parents hoard junk." He shrugs without looking up. Then he looks up. "Uh, nothing." He walks over and grabs the badge. "It's nothing." He mutters. He walks back into the kitchen, and places the badge on the counter next to him. 

No, it can't be...

I walk into the kitchen as well. "How'd you sleep?" He asks. I mutter a "Good," and sit down. 

"Are you hiding something from me?" I ask, suddenly, he jumps up. 

"Fine." He says. He makes sure everything is turned off. "Follow me." He says. And I do. 

"Here." He turns on a light as we walk down the basement. He walks to a room, takes out a key and opens the door. He leads me inside. It's dark. He turns on the light and I am face to face with a billboard. Full of papers and pictures. 

"What is this?" I ask. 

"My sister was murdered. But everyone says she committed- ya know suicide. I don't believe it." He explains as I look over the board. "There is some evidence that her boyfriend did something. But, I can't be for sure." He says, his voice trembling. I run my hand against the pictures. Quite aware that he is crying. I turn around and wrap my arms around his slim body. He freezes at first. Then he buries his face against my chest.

"I can help." I whisper. 

"How? It's not like you have access to anything, and you don't even know them." 

You'd be surprised. 

"I know, but I have my ways." I say. He pushes off me and looks at me. 

"Are you hiding something? Ever since you got to this school, ever since I knew you, you act so... Mysterious."

"I- that's just who I am." Did I slip? What else does he know?

He just nods and looks away. "She was my best friend, ya know until Spencer and I started hanging out, then Dallon, Pete, Patrick, Ashley, Sarah, the rest of the gang. They started hanging too. We were just a group of nobodies who met each other. But you... Also sheltered as HECK, you are like one of the popular's, not like us..." 

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not, but what matters is that I'm here now." 

He looks back at the board. "If you can find the truth, please, tell me." He says. He covers the board with a sheet of long poster paper and we walk back upstairs. 

"Brendon..." I start. He looks at me. "The pancakes are cold..." I stutter in-between laughs. He bursts out laughing too. He sighs and shakes his head.  He walks over to the plate and pokes it with his finger. 

"Nah, it's fine." He shrugs. He moves the plate to the table. "Eat, my friend." He shouts. 

"I'd rather not," I say. He gives me a look like, what?  I push the plate to him. "I'm not hungry." I smile. He smiles too and shakes his head. 

"Fine." He says.


"Dallon got a girlfriend?!" Pete shouts with shock. "When? And how? He's a crazy ass-ed donkey!" 

"I know! Apparently, he met a girl at the store. I think her name is Breezy?" Spencer says. "He wouldn't stop ranting until I finally convinced him to call her." 

"Wow, good job man. I always thought he'd die alone surrounded by dogs and fish." Brendon smiles. 

"Do you know where Patrick went?" Pete asks. 

"Nope, I think he went to Andy's house, but I dunno why." Spencer says. "Where's Sarah?" He asks Ashley.

"A date, again." 

"Another one? That's the third one this month! Which guy this time?" 

"Some guy from some band called Paramore. I don't know and I don't care what his name is." 

"Wait, is she like... a player?" I ask softly. 

"Hell yeah. Well, either that or she is horrible at relationships. But she isn't the biggest player in the school. Helena and Brent are." 

"Brent from lunch?" 


"GUYS GUESS WHAT." Dallon bursts in the room.

"You finally figured out that your a loser?" 

"You killed your pet fish?"

"You ate Gerard Way?"

Everyone stares at Pete for the last one.


"YAY!" Everyone cheers. 

"BRALLON IS REAL." Ashley screams. 

"What." Brendon perks up.

"Uh, I mean like Breezy and Dallon not-"

"I know." Brendon grins. "Congrats Dal." He pats Dallon on the back.   


"So the group usually meets literally every day?" I ask Brendon when we get to his place. He was silent the whole walk home. 

"Yeah, I mean... Why not? After the summer camp, we got really close." 

"Why have you all never mentioned the camp?" 

"A lot happened over these past two years, you'll catch up eventually." 

"Oh, was it that summer that your sister..." 

"Yeah, it was. Right after the camp." He sighs. 

"What's her name?" 

"Grace." He answers. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back..." He runs up the stairs and slams a door.

I dial a number. "I need all the information on a Grace Urie." I say before hanging up. 


Sorry for the really long wait. We are trying! But life throws so many god damn curve balls.

I made the writing group! YAY!!! 

Do you think this Mike Naran is the new guitarist? HMMMMMMM..... 

Anyway, sorry for the wait, we wanted to post everyday but.. NOPE. 

Hope you enjoyed!



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