Chapter 14

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As soon as we get off the Ferris Wheel, Dallon screams. "CLOWN!" He points at the shadowy figure and runs the opposite way. Brendon just laughs. Then the guy steps out from out of the shadow and Brendon gasps. 

"JOSH!" He squeals and runs towards him. So does everyone else, except for Mikey, Gerard, Ray, and Frank. And me of course. 

"Who?" I speak up. Everyone turns and jaws drop. 

"Josh Dun. THE JOSH DUN." Pete vigorously shakes his hands, as if telling me the most obvious answer to the most obvious question. 

"Basically, he's a long time friend who went to Hollywood to become a screen writer." Brendon explains. I nod. They go back to talking to Josh. Mikey grabs my forearm and drags me to the side. 

"I don't trust him." He whispers. I nod in agreement. "Also, you can't get too close. And if you want to get close, it doesn't mean that close." He warns. "Don't think I saw the thing you and Brendon pulled on the Ferris Wheel." 

"I- I just..." He's right. I told myself I can't get close. I never got this close to someone. Mikey gives me a look. "Well... What about you and Ray?" I spit. 

"What? We're friends. Nothing more." He claims. I shake my head. "I'm not that blind Mikey." 

"Well what do you want me to do? Before I became a, ya know... Ray and I were the closest, bestest friends." He hangs his head and slowly shakes it. "Look, I'm sorry, but... Ray and I are friends, nothing more, you just have to believe me. I'll back off, but please, just be careful." I nod and look behind his back, I see Frank excuse himself to take a phone call. 

"6 o'clock." I say. Mikey turns around and sees Frank making hand motions, he's currently turned around, but he isn't happy. "I'll talk to him." He says. I shake my head, "I'm coming too." 

"Hey, that phone call looked... Intense." Mikey starts. 

"What? Oh, yeah... Just something." Frank continues. 

"Cool... Anyway, I wanted to talk to you. About... My brother..." Mikey tilts his head, gesturing at Gerard. 

"Oh, uh..." Frank looks at me. I nod with understanding, I take the chance to quickly snatch Frank's phone from his back pocket. I walk away and find a nice little isolated area away from the gang. I scroll through the call history. A call from an unknown caller. Luckily, the phone records the speaking that happened. I move the phone to my ear and listen. 

"It's been a while." A deep voice says, not in a comforting way. 

"I- I need more time." Frank whispers. 

"What? Making out with Gerard Way? You have a mission." 

"Well, either you give me more time, or you don't what you want." 

"We could just kill you." The voice growls. "A way to get people like your boyfriend to speak. It'll be perfect, we could take him at the funeral. He may not talk a first, but he'll surely talk when we threaten his little brother, or if he... I don't know... Cut him a little?" 

"NO!" Frank shouts, not too loudly though. "Please, just a few more weeks. I swear, I'll get what you want, please just... please." 

"Fine, 3 more weeks." 

Then the call ends. 


"What? Making out with Gerard Way? You have a mission." Mikey frowns at that. I see him tense up at his brother's name. 

"Well, either you give me more time, or you don't what you want."   

"We could just kill you." The voice growls. "A way to get people like your boyfriend to speak." Mikey clenches his fist. "It'll be perfect, we could take him at the funeral." Mikey furrows his eyebrows. "He may not talk a first, but he'll surely talk when we threaten his little brother, or if he... I don't know... Cut him a little?" Then Mikey breaks, he slams his fist into the table. 

"WHO IS THIS SON OF A BITCH?!" His eyes are filled with rage. A look I don't see often. Pure hatred. "THEY CAN THREATEN ME ALL THEY WANT, BUT THEY AREN'T GETTING TO GERARD." He screams. Luckily, we're at my 'home' so he can scream all he wants. 

"Calm down,we'll confront Frank before anything happens." I whisper. Pete looks just as frightened as I feel. Mikey is usually calm and down to earth. Seeing him this mad, is a scene that only happens once in a century. Mikey turns on his phone and dials his brother. 

"Gee? Are you alone?" He asks slowly. He sighs in relief. "Yeah, I just wanted to know, I'll be back soon." He adds before hanging up. 

"Are you going to tell him?" I ask. Mikey shakes his head. 

"We have to be dead certain that this is real. I don't want to be the reason Gerard's heart is broken." He sighs. "Can we confront Frank as soon as humanly possible?" 

"How 'bout tomorrow? After school. Frank and I have a science project. I can lure him to my house then we can-" 

"I have a plan." I smile. I whisper it softly, and they nod. 


Hi, sorry for the crap chapter. 

The Kenneth thing is official (it's been for a while) But, I'm just now going to say, we aren't speaking of it anymore. All DM's we got were answered. We will no longer answer them. Thanks. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 



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