Don't Let Me Go

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who is fighting Cancer...

 Don't Let Me Go 


Hayden's p.o.v 

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" goes my stupid alarm clock that decides to always wake me up late! -.- As I flicker my hazel eyes, the color of caramel up and down, trying desperately to open them I notice the time.  

"SHIT!" I drag my red head off my pillow and quickly tie my hair into a messy bun. Desperately sliding my feet as fast as i can into my rocker boots. As I was hurrying out the door, zipping up my hoodie, I stopped. My camera! I ran upstairs and grabbed my big DSLR. I slung it around my neck and ran out of the door, grabbing my keys. I ran to my porsche and climbed in. I took the camera from around my neck and placed it in the passenger seat before slamming the door. I grabbed my cold keys from out of my pocket and stuck them into the ignition, and the car roared to life. The little electronic clock lit up in bright green letters. 8:34 am. I started to back up out of the driveway, too stressed to look both ways. "BEEEEEEEP!!!!!" I was just about in the road when I heard a loud car horn. I stomped on the break. As the car just whooshed right behind me, my heart was beating faster than ever. Now, this time I looked around, nothing. I quickly pulled out of the driveway, and was on my way down the street. I had a two hour drive to get to the One Direction concert in London. 

I wasn't a fan of these British/Irish whatever boys. I mean, they were cute, but they weren't my style. 

Lately my job as a photographer hasn't been doing much, money wise for me, so I decided to do a few paparazzi jobs here and there. Put out some pictures, Have people buy them, etc... Since they were the new big think I insisted on getting at least a few good shots. Rumor was, they got there at 10:30-10:45, so I had to get there quite quickly. The ride there was smooth, a little traffic here and there but when I saw a small mob of teenage girls, I knew I was there. I could've possibly easily fit in being only 18, but with my big camera, not a chance. I parked about two blocks over, and there were barely any spots available due to all the teens and their mothers.  

I walked over to the small mob that was growing bigger and bigger. All these girls were waiting at the tour buses to wait for the boys to come out and wave, maybe even say hi. 

I looked down at my phone to text back a friend, but lost my train of thought when the screaming started. I looked up to see a curly haired guy with a long torso snake out of the first tour bus. I snapped a few clear pictures, cause he was really close. I was looking through my camera when I noticed he'd stopped walking. I look up from my camera to see him standing right in front of me. He cleared his throat. "You look a bit young to be a pap. A bit too pretty as well, what's your name love?" he said slowly with a deep husky voice. It took me a while to respond a bit mesmerized by his mossy green eyes. I swore that I wouldn't do this!


Well... Wha do ya think?  

I know that it's a bit slow and boring.. But I swear it gets better later on  

I would really appreciate it if you maybe left a comment, I just really love reading them  

Should I continue this? Idk...

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