 Don't Let Me Go  Pt37

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 Don't Let Me Go 


*2 Months Later*

Hayden's p.o.v

Even after two months into the tour and being settled in, it never got boring. Harry was the perfect boyfriend I could ever ask for. When we arrived in California, we went to Disneyland and I dragged him on every roller coaster I could, so he would get over his fear.

We even did the cliche "Lady and the Tramp" picture with spaghetti in our mouth when he took me to a fancy dinner.

When we were in Dallas, we would go the the pool and tan together, occasionally pushing each other into the pool by 'accident'.

We even got to meet the president when we went to DC, and I definitely fangirled after with Niall.

In such little time, these boys had become my family. I'd always go shopping with Lou and El because they had the best taste. And El and I would have our daily gossip talks at Starbucks.

For Harry and I's three month anniversary, we were in Orlando Florida, at their concert. I was simply sitting in the VIP section when someone with a strong grip, grabbed me and threw a bag over my head.

I wanted to scream but the person had his hand over my mouth. Wiggling my feet like crazy, I soon heard small giggles of over a thousand girls.

I realized I was now standing on my own without anyone holding me.

I slowly took off the bag to come face to face with those green eyes. I had been pulled on stage, and Harry was now singing to me, the oh so familiar number one hit "What Makes You Beautiful".

I was stunned. I wanted to breath, but I couldn't.

Harry Styles was officially the definition of perfection. And he was all mine. Well... For now.


Author's Note: I love reading people's comments and their thoughts and opinions on the story. It really does motivate me a lot! Hope you guys are still enjoying it. Okay I'm just gonna go stand in that corner over ther ----------> Haha please don't forget to Vote, and Fan. Thank you! Love you all!

-Fizzy :)

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