 Don't Let Me Go  Pt54

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 Don't Let Me Go 


Hayden's p.o.v

I put my arms around his neck as I kissed his neck slowly. I was with the love of my life, under the moonlight, naked in one of the most popular lakes in London. The funny thing is, I didn't care how gross this was, because I was with him. He was helping me live, helping me enjoy every minute of everyday. I finally felt like my life was worth living. Like I wasn't missing out on one damn thing.

After messing around in the water for who knows how long, we dried off, put our clothes back on quickly and drove to dinner. Almost all of my makeup was smeared and Harry's hair looked like a shaggy dog by now, but we no longer cared.

All that mattered was the fact that we were together on an evening as perfect as this. "So..." Harry began. "What are we going to name our daughter?" he asked grinning.

I always warned Harry that it wasn't a good idea for us to talk about it, in case if nothing worked out, but tonight he looked so happy and I didn't want to ruin that.

"Darcy. You always said you wanted a baby girl named Darcy, and I like that name" I said smiling. We kissed across the table and finally ate. After we finished Harry finally spoke, "come here" I looked at him confused and scooted closer to him.

He asked the waiter for a pen, and started writing on the napkin. "Darcy Hayden Styles" he looked at me and kissed my cheek as he wrote the number one. "I wanna write a list of everything we're gonna do with this beautiful baby, with each other." I liked his idea, and tonight I wanted everything to go perfectly, so I agreed.

The first number said to take Darcy with us to the Starbucks where we first fell for each other. The second number said to buy a house in London, that peaked over the beautiful Serpentine Lake as the sun would rise everyday.

The third one said, to donate money to every possible cancer foundation that existed. The fourth number was to get married the minute the baby was born. The rest of the numbers were filled with things we wished to do, memories we never wanted to forget, and the things we wanted to accomplish as a family.

And I honestly didn't care if I'd ever get to the point, because bing eight he man that cared for me so much right now was the only thing that mattered. The rest of the dinner, we laughed our asses off and kissed every second we could.

I could've almost called it a perfect night. Almost. That is until my heart began to burn at the end of the dinner. Harry looked so nappy so I didn't bother to tell him. It was on the way home, that I was struggling breathing, so I choked out to say "Harry... I... I.. Can't breath" he grabbed y hand and quickly looked into my eyes. The last thing I saw was his perfect green eyes staring into me as everything went black.


Author's Note: Okay guys, I'm SO SORRY that I haven't been on for a long time and updated. It's just that I had a major writer's block :/ Really sorry. I'll try to come on more often now, I promise :) Please Comment, Vote, and Fan maybe? :)

Thanks lovelies xxx

-Fizzy :)

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