 Don't Let Me Go  Pt40

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 Don't Let Me Go 


Harry's p.o.v

*Ding* the elevator rang, and we began to walk to our room. Niall was rubbing his belly like a pregnant women so I began to laugh. I wondered if Hayden was still asleep.

The image of her from this morning came across my mind. The way her nose wrinkled up when I kissed her shoulder.

Her hair laid perfect around her body, and her lips pointed outwards, tempting me to kiss them. When we walked into the room, I could tell Louis had the same face as me. Mouth wide open. Our girlfriends were crying hysterically on the couch mumbling words that I didn't even know were possible to understand.

There were three tubs of ice-cream next to them, and both of their eyes were pink, puffy, and filled with tears. Louis quickly ran over to El, but I stayed at the door still shocked.

Did I miss something? Did someone die? When I finally got a grip of reality, I was next to my baby within seconds. Louis was comforting El on the balcony, the boys had run into their three rooms, and now it was just Hayden and I.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I locked eyes with her's and I could see it. It was like I could read her expression, something was wrong... Terribly wrong.

Hayden's p.o.v

I tried my best to stop crying, but I couldn't. I made up some excuse and told Harry that it was just some family problems, and for once I could tell he did t quite buy it. Within seconds I was crying in his arms while he murmured in my ear tell me it was all going to be okay.

But only El and I knew that in the end, it wasn't going to be okay. Harry was not going to be okay, and I was not going to be alive.

*2 Weeks Later*

Eleanor's p.o.v

I held her hair while she emptied her insides from her mouth into the toilet. I could feel she was in pain, so I rubbed her back gently. Soon, she'd tell Harry and he would know. ever since the crying incident, Louis has been more than suspicious.

I could tell, he tries to hide it, but knowing Louis, he'd confront me eventually. Hayden got lucky, that Harry is just so blinded by love that he can't see how sick she is.

When Hay finally finished and flushed the toilet, I locked eye contact with her. "Louis said he wants to talk to me today" I sighed. Hayden just stared at me.

"You know Hay, if he puts our relationship on the line, I can't lie anymore. I can't lose my love" I said, feeling my eyes instantly fill with water. I was quickly embraced into a big hug. "I know" she whispered I to my ear. "I know"

Hayden's p.o.v

Each day, it had gotten harder and harder to hide my cancer. My symptoms were progessingly getting worse and I could feel the weakness begin to kick in. So this is what it feels like when your gonna die?

Harry had taken me on at least five romantic dates the past two weeks, and on each and every one of them, I had simply forgotten about the cancer and had the time of my life.

The physical relationship had gone from great to amazing. Each day, I reminded myself that this could be the last day I can touch him, hold him, kiss him, be with him, love him.

So every morning that I woke up, I'd give him a huge kiss, and I'd look up at the ceiling with a smile. The tour had ended last week, but management wanted us to stay in America for another month because it looked good.

El and I discussed that it's really best to tell him at home, not here, where he has no one to go to other than the boys. Most of the days the boys had interviews, or they preferred to go surfing since we came back to Florida. I was alone in the suite texting Harry, us fighting about who loved who more. I never wanted to leave them. If only there was a way.

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