 Don't Let Me Go  Pt42

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 Don't Let Me Go 


Louis' p.o.v

I couldn't calm down. I was too hyped up. All I wanted to do was scream at the top of my lungs, cursing at the world. The minute I barged in to the room, I felt nothing but blankness around me. The only thing I could see was her. And that's when I finally realized it.

Her tiny little bald spots in her head, her pale white skin, the bags under her eyes, the way she held herself... She really was dying. But I didn't feel bad for her, she was nothing but a liar.

"I asked you to do one thing Hayden. One damn thing. And that was to not break my best friend's heart. And here you go doing exactly that!" I spat. Her face stayed calm and I hope my words were sinking into her brain, breaking her.

I should've felt sorry for her, but I couldn't, not after all of those lies. It all made sense now, why she tried to change the subject every time her sister came up.

How she never even explained her high school experience, except for saying she was 'homeschooled' I felt accomplished as I finally put the puzzle together. But no amount of accomplishment could make this mess go away. A dying friend, and my best friend's soon to be broken heart.

Hayden's p.o.v

I tried to look strong, like his words weren't getting to me, but they were. They were the same words I told myself everyday, causing me to begin to cry. "You have no idea what this is going to do to him Hayden. What were you thinking? Do you enjoy destroying people's hearts in your free time?" he yelled.

"Just shut up" I sighed. "What? You what me to SHUTUP? No. I have way too much to say Hayden" "God Lou, you haven't even given me a chance to say my side of the story! You think I chose to be sick? You think I fell in love with him, just so I could break his heart? You think this is easy for me? Knowing I'm gonna die and I'll never be with Harry?" at this point I was balling.

"You are a despicable human being, Hayden" he spat. Louis was one of my closest friends, and it hurt a lot to be insulted by him.

"So... What do you want me to do? I'll call him in front of you, if that's what you want" "He deserves more than a damn stupid call" he yelled.

I had never ever seen Louis so mad.

El was crying on the couch rocking back and forth with her face in her hands. I had done this. I had created this huge mess, and I could now never get rid of it.

"Louis, I was gonna tell him right when we got home, I really was" I sighed, while more tears fell to the ground. "You know what sucks Hayden? I actually like you. I don't always like Hazza's girlfriends, but I had a good feeling about you from the start. I was so...... Wrong" he said as a tear fell from his eye.

I got up quickly and tried to hug him, but he pushed me off.

"You're not getting aways with this Hayden. It's Sunday. If you don't tell him by Tuesday, I WILL" he yelled.

And with that, he ran out of the room down the hallway cursing.

Tuesday would make it four months since I left the hospital, giving me approximately two more months to live. Looks like I was really telling Harry in America after all.

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