 Don't Let Me Go  Pt1

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 Don't Let Me Go 


(I suggest you read the prologue first, or else you won't know what's going on)

Hayden's p.o.v

"Uh.. Um.. That's for me to know and you to wonder.. And your not too bad looking yourself, thank you" I said with a confident smile.

He bit his lip. "Do you have a twitter or something?" he said, quite slowly, followed by a little laugh. "uh, yeah, but my daddy always tells me not to talk to strangers" I said with a bit of a stutter as well as a small smirk on my face. "Ah okay.. Daddy's girl are you? We should get together sometime, yeah? Maybe you can show me some of those pictures you got of them" he said with a laugh. I knew I had to give him a strong comeback.. "um sure, you can check them out on the next magazine you purchase" I say with an evil smirk on my face, I usually have those when I know I just owned somebody and when I know I had a good comeback, or when I'm just thinking of something crazy.

"Will do love" he said with a smile as he waved and walked across the street, and into a backstage door.

Next thing I knew all the girls around me were freaking out. I was still a bit zoned out that that had just happened. Was I now a fan? What was going on? This wasn't like me at all. I heard the murmurs of "she's so lucky!" "I wish Harry would say that to me!" or "why would she talk like that to him, is she out of her mind, that's Harry Styles!". But to be honest I really don't want a celebrity who thinks he's all that and can get any girl to fall for him.. Because I really don't like those people. They sleep with a different women each week. Wait...wait.. So that was his name? Harry.. Beautiful name, I thought to myself. I couldn't possibly like this boy, Could I? I snapped out if it when I heard screaming once more. I quickly turned on my camera to see two boys walking across the street, two brunettes.

"Liam!" "Louis!" I heard the girls scream as I clicked away. It was a little bit of time before another stepped out, named Niall I think. He was the only blonde one I'd seen yet. There was one more, wasn't there? I waited there with the other girls to see if I could get any more shots of any other boys.

Just as I was about to walk away, more screams filled my ears. "Zayn!" "Zayn!" they all shouted. This one was mysterious looking. Quite handsome as well. He walked right over to our side and gave a few autographs and whatnot. "would you want an autograph too? Or just some more pictures, hm?" he asked in a cute jumbled accent. I looked up again. He had beautiful brown eyes just like mine, except with enormous eyelashes that just sucked you in. "Oh I'm sorry love, didn't mean to come off rude.. Your quite fit if I say so myself" he said with a small laugh.

This was crazy, two of these world famous boys in one day? But he's probably just like the first one.. A flirt. "um, can I ask if you have a twitter?" he asked quieter than before.

I knew exactly what to say to him. "uh, yeah Harry knows the answer, I just told him a few minutes ago" I say again with another confident evil smirk. "yeah, okay" he quickly said with a smile moving on down the line of girls, after a quick wink.

Haha I can only imagine the look on his face when he finds out the answer from Harry... Here it comes.. Another evil smirk plastered right across my face.


Let me know if I should still continue this =)

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