Two:- Why . . .

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~Justin’s point of view~

I knocked on the door. Please don't be home, please don't be home, ple-. "JUSTIN?!" There stood my mom with a horror look on her face.

I gave her a weak smile. "H-Hey, mom." I whispered. She removes her hands from her mouth and pulled me in & surprisingly pulled Darielle in too.

She shut the door and pushed me down on the stool in the kitchen as she hurries over to the cabinets to get the first aid kit. She set it down on the counter and before she could even opened it; the house phone rang.

She grumbles and ran over to it and answered:

~Phone Convo~

"Hello?!" . . . "What?!" . . . "Now?!" . . . "I have a prob-." . . . -Sighs- . . . "How many?" . . . "WHAT?! Are you kidding me~?!" . . . "OK, fine. Bye."


My mom ran her fingers through her hair as she runs over to get her handbag. "What happened?" I asked her. She sighed deeply. "The hospital called and demanded me to come over straight." She explained.

I widened my eyes. "Th-Then, what t-time would y-you be back?" I stammered feeling like I was about to cry. I don't want my mom to go. I'm a momma's boy, so what?

She sighed and then looked me in the eye, sadly. "1.00 a.m." She answered. I widened my eyes. "Wh-Who's gonna company me and do the things we always when we're together?!" I questioned as I felt tears filled my eyes.

She sighed. "I'm sorry." I ran towards the stairs. As I was about to climb it, Darielle spoke the words that was hard for me to believe. "I'll accompany your son."

= = = = = = = = = =

"Bye, Justin. I love you." My mom whispered as she pecked my forehead. She looked over at Darielle and smiled. "Thank you." She said before closing the door.

I sighed as I turned around. I saw Darielle sitting on one of the stools near the counter with her right leg over the other as she opens the first aid kit.

I bit my lip as I felt myself stare at her long, smooth & beautiful legs. She's wearing this:. She looked flawless.

Heck that! She is flawless. That's why she's most envied by the girls in the school. Forget that, the whole neighborhood is drooling over her and she doesn't know it. I think.

I felt like I was staring at her forever when . . . Snap. I shook my head and looked up. I realized that she snapped her fingers. "Huh?" Was all that came out of my mouth.

Darielle's eyes bore into mine, emotionless. "I said, take a seat so I can treat your scratches and wounds." She said as she pulled out the medication.

I gulped and took little steps towards her and sat down. This is gonna be a long night.

= = = = = = = = = =

I winced as she dabbed the iodine onto my scratched cheek. She sighed and looked at me in the eye. I can't help but get hypnotized by her dark brown eyes. They're so- "Justin." I snapped back into reality.

I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment knowing that I was staring at her. I don't have a crush on her or anything but I'm a guy! I like girls too! Even if I'm a nerd or a dork as they say.

"If you want me to help, stop wincing." She demanded. I nodded. "Sorry." I whispered. She sighed and continued on treating me. As she did that, I noticed how cute it was when she's shorter than me even when she's sitting on the stool.

She's like a 5'7 and I'm like a 5'10 or 5'12. Sigh . . . But, I doubt that any girl would want me. Geez, what am I thinking? No one wants  me!!!

"There. Now, don't touch it unless it's been heal." She informed as she closed the kit and walked over to the cabinet and put it in there. "You haven't had dinner yet, right?" She asked.

Now, that I've think of it, I haven't. Before I could respond, my stomach growled. I look at her in embarrassment. She grinned. "I'll make you dinner." She told as she walked over to find food.

= = = = = = = = = =

After dinner, Darielle washed the dishes while I sat on the couch; fiddling with my fingers. I felt so awkward. Why? Coz I have never had a girl in my house before! Other than my mom.

But, when it's Darielle Jones?! It increases more of the awkwardness! Why?

1) She's beautiful 
2) She's strong
3) Who knows what she'll do!

Soon, I felt the couch weigh a little down. I turn to see Darielle sitting next to me. I grew nervous. She's not even that close to me! Gosh, stop it!

"So, what do you and your mom do when you're together?" She asked as she looked at me. I restrain myself from getting lost in her eyes. 

I breathed out. "We would always watch movies." I told as she nodded. "So . . ." She trailed as she bent over; resting her right elbow onto her thigh and resting her cheek against her fist, looking at me.

"What movie you want to watch?" She asked as her eyes looked relaxed in a blasé way. I felt my heart thump as she looked at me waiting for an answer.

I cleared my throat and turn away as I rubbed my neck feeling nervous. "Umm . . . Anything . . . I guess. . ." I mumbled. I glanced at her at the corner of my eye to see her sigh and getting up.

I watched her every move. As she picked on what movie we're gonna watch, my mind wanders off. What's gonna happen at school tomorrow?

Will I get beat up more after what Darielle did towards David? How I wish my life is perfect . . . Wish that everyone could treat me nicely than this. . .

I felt the couch go down knowing Darielle has sat down on the couch. "What did you put in?" I asked still in a whisper. She smirks as she hung her head down a little causing her bangs covering her eyes. She flicks the lights off.

"Silent Hill . . ."

Darielle . . . why. . . ?

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