Twenty-Four:- Fake Sobbing To Boost Confidence

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~Justin's point of view~

Have you ever had an awkward moment? Yeah because I'm experiencing it right now. After that kiss I had with Darielle, we were both quiet. Right now, we were making our way to the party. Let's just say that kiss gave me a boost of confidence. I shouldn't care what the others say about my new look. As long as Darielle's there, I feel comfortable.

        Finally, we've reached outside the deck where the party was held. There were small pools around. A string of lights hanging above us. There was balloons too. The dance floor was colorful because of the LED lights. I saw some from our school grinding with each other. I cringed in disgust. Suddenly, I was being pushed by more teenagers coming into the party. "Ahh! Wait! Darielle?!" I shouted for her but it seemed that the crowd separated me away from her.

        Now, I was surrounded by drunk and sweaty teens. I turned around trying to find any sign of her but no luck. I was beginning to get worried. What if something happens to her? Wait, she knows how to fight! But what if they're too strong for her?

        I need to find her. I pushed my way through the sweaty crowd. I saw the bar and made my way there. Once I did, I gasped for air. Damn drunk people stink. I decided to ask the bartender. "Hey!" He turned to me. "Have you seen a really beautiful brunette in a red tight dress?" I asked with a glint of hope in my eyes. He raised his eyebrow. "Dude, there are a lot of girls wearing red tight dresses." He said in a monotone. I mentally face palm myself. "Right. I'm sorry." He scoffed and chuckled before walking away to serve other guests.

        My eyes scanned around for her but no luck. Our phones were left at our room. Suddenly, I felt hands caressing my chest. I looked side to side to see three girls with 'flirty' expressions. To me they look like fishes begging for food. "Hey, hot stuff. I've never seen you around here." The girl on the right with blonde hair said. I didn't answer because I was busy looking for Darielle.

        "Are you looking for someone? Someone to 'get in' with?" The girl on the left with black hair whispered 'seductively.' Yuck. I like it better when Darielle does it. Whoa! Did I just thought that? "You could 'get in' with us." The girl in front of me with red hair bit her lip. I turn my head to all of them with a 'What-The-Heck' look.

        I pushed them off away from me. I shivered in disgust by the feeling of their hands on me. "Listen, I'm not the kind of guy to sleep with . . . girls like you." I made a face when I said 'girls' referring to them being . . . Umm . . . Sluts. "So, umm . . . If you'll excuse me, I'm trying to find my fiance." I said leaving them speechless.

        I pushed my way through the crowd again but this time girls were trying to get my attention. I disgustingly waved their hands away from me as if they were bird poop. After my time of searching, I finally found her . . . With a guy?!

        What is she doing with a guy?! Wait, why do I sound jealous? Ugh, snap out of it. I stomped my way over to her. "Get away from me." I heard Darielle say making me stop in my tracks. Their backs were facing me so they didn't realize my presence. "Oh, come on baby girl. Let me treat you to a drink." The guy chuckled as he got closer to her. "Move. I have a fiance." She defended. I kind of smiled a little at that.

        "Oh come on. You're just saying that." The guy said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. My hands balled into fists. "Darielle!" I shouted to her. She turned and saw me. I swear I could see a twinkle in her eyes which made my heart beat faster. She never fails, huh. She glance between the guy and me. Her face changed to her crying. She pulled away from the guy and ran to me. "Justin!"

        She pressed herself against my chest and started sobbing. Her hands were balled into fists as they were placed on my chest with her head too. My arms wrapped themselves around her on instinct. "Justin, that guy . . . Was touching me. I was so scared!" Darielle whimpered. I lowered my head to her ear. "Are you really crying?" I asked still in shock. "Just play along. Now's your chance to prove you have confidence." With that she continued fake sobbing.

        I lift my head up with wide eyes. What am I suppose to do? Oh, hey! Umm, she's fake sobbing and I'm going to ask you to pretend to be scared of me and run away. Yeah, I don't think that'll work. "Hey!" I looked at the guy who was a few centimeters in front of us. "Who are you?" He seemed jealous. I gulped and put on my best brave face. "Her fiance." Not bad, Justin. A scowl appeared on his face. "Fiance, huh? Why did you leave her alone, then?" He questioned.

        I bit my lip. "We got separated in the crowd." I answered normally. "Oh, really? If you weren't here, I would have afun time with a body like that." He smirked as he ran his finger on Darielle's exposed skin. My grip tightened on her. "Well, too bad. I don't think she likes your 'fun time' idea since you're scaring her." Okay, that was sort of lame . . . I guess.

        I heard Darielle 'sobbing'. She lifted her head from chest and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. Damn, she can do that? "Baby, h-he whispered dirty things to me. I-I didn't like it." I was sort of giving in to her fake sadness. I mean, it looked so real! She looked down to my chest and drew imaginary circles on my chest. "I like it when you do it." She mumbles as she looked up at me with those big brown eyes. My eyes grew wide as my face grew warm. Luckily it was night time so the guy couldn't see.

        "Oh, so she's a good girl but she does naughty things with you. Damn, I want her more." He bit his lip. "Great. You're making things worst." I whispered so only Darielle could hear. She silently giggled. "I just want to tease a little." I mentally rolled my eyes. "Stop teasing." I said that a little too loud. "Oh, so she's a tease by whispering things to you." He grunted making me scowl in disgust. Man, you're gross! Wait, I should say that out loud.

        "Man, you're gross!" Wow, not bad. He began undressing Darielle with his eyes making me pissed. That's it. "Look, you stay away from my fiance and stay out of our sight." I growled. He backed up by the tone of my voice. I scanned him a little to realize that I was a few inches taller than him which gave me an advantage. "If you ever lay a finger on her or even look at her, I will not hesitate to break your neck." I scowled and meant every word . . . I think.

        Apparently, that statement made him run in fear. I was pretty shocked. Darielle pulled away from my grasp. She looked at the direction where the guy ran and turned to me with a wide grin on her lips. "You did great. I'm proud of you." She tapped my nose. I looked down at her. She unexpectedly hugged me.

        "I'm very proud of you, Justin. So proud."

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