Thirty-Two:- Just Afraid

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~Darielle's point of view~

I tried to pull my arms out from this frog's grip. True enough that I'm stuck. I felt his dog breath coming closer to my face. I need you, Justin.

        It was as if God fulfilled it, David was roughly pulled away from me and a different figure stood in front of me with his back towards me. I turned to see who it was. Justin. He looked utterly pissed. I have never seen him with that expression before. His honey brown eyes were dark from when I left him out from the shop. It was attractive.

        What? Is it wrong for me to check my fiancé out? I saw Justin's arm reach back to find me. Once he felt my waist, he manages to wrap his arm around and pull me close to his back. I placed my hands on his shoulders as I peeked over to find David lying on the floor. "What the hell?" David exclaimed, pissed. When he looked up, a coy smile plastered on his face. "Well . . . If it isn't the dork. How you doin', Bieber?"

        Justin didn't answer; instead he just glared down at him. "Ahh, the silent treatment." David stated as he got up to his feet. "It's a little too late for that." I tugged on Justin's sleeve. "Justin, let's just leave him alone." I whispered into his ear. He hesitated but turned around to face me.

        "Are you hurt?" Concern, flowed down his tongue as he rubbed my arms and body; checking for any damage. I shook my head. He sighs and smiles, "Let's go." We were about to walk away until David spoke up. "That's it. Walk away, just like you did to all your problems." He snickered. That made Justin stops in his tracks. I saw his jaw clenched. He turned around and stared at David. "That was before." He finally spoke.

        David just smirked wider. "Oh really? I highly doubt that. You're still that scared little dork who could never stand up for himself." I felt Justin's muscle tense up. "Because of that little personality, I used it as an opportunity." He taunted.

        That sent Justin over the edge. He charged at David and grabbed him by his collar. "Justin!" I barked, worried. He ignored me and tightened his grip on David’s collar as he brought him close to my Justin’s face. “I’m sick and tired of being your punching bag. I’ve changed and I’m not going to let you bring me and my girl down.” He threatened in a calm yet menacing tone.

       “Ooh, looks like the little dork finally grew some balls.” David cooed, teasingly. I placed my hand on Justin’s shoulder. “Jus, he’s not worth it.” I whispered to him. “Don’t let anger and vengeance control you.”

       Hesitantly, he harshly released David’s collar and pushed him back. David stumbled but gained his balance as two of his pups—as in his two wimpy friends—jogged over to stand beside him. “Finally listened to your mistress, huh, nerd?” David smirked as he dusted off his sleeves. I pulled Justin by the back of his jean jacket as I saw him about to charge. “Honey, let’s just leave. I just want to spend time with you.” I said in a calming tone as I rubbed his chest soothingly.

       He looked down at me and stared into my eyes. A sigh flew out from his mouth and nodded. “Let’s go.” He spoke softly as he gave me grin and I gave him one in return. We both turned around and walked out from the shop hand in hand. We heard the annoyed shouts of David from the shop. “You won’t be having her long, Bieber! Remember, you’re still a dork!” Justin just shut his eyes and shook his head as if trying to block out the words.

       I looked at him in sympathy as we walked pass the trail of shops. “Don’t let him and his words get to you.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his right arm and snuggled myself into his side. I inhaled his cologne which I picked out for him. Well, I only bought the thing, and as for him; he seemed to have liked the smell so, I did him a favor and bought it. “I won’t.” He smiled weakly at me. It didn’t convince me much but I let it slide. “I’m just afraid.” I furrowed my eyebrows and lift up my head from his bicep and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

       “I mean . . . I now know that he’s planning to get you from me. A-And, I’ve just learnt to love you. I don’t a jerk l-like him to s-steal away . . . my princess.” He stammered as I saw his cheeks go red. I mentally awed at the sight and flattered by his words. “Oh, baby.” I cooed as I made him stop in his tracks by coming in front of him. I placed my hands on the each side of his face to make him look at me.

       It pained my heart to see how broken he looked. “I would never let a person like David take me away from you.” I assured him as I got up on my tippy toes to kiss his forehead. He was so tall. “Plus, everyone knows to not mess with Darielle Jones.” I smirked.

       A small grin etched across his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulls me into a protective hug as he dug his head in the crook of my neck. “I love you so much.” A smile spread across my lips. “I hate the idea of anyone else having you.” He whispered in my hair. I sighed and hugged him by wrapping my arms around his neck. “Ditto.”


       After a long walk around the cruise ship, we went back to our dorm. Ever since we’ve confessed our love, we connected the two single beds together and made it into a queen bed of our own; just so we could sleep together and have a spacious bed too.

       We had both changed into more comfortable clothing. Justin wore a simple white singlet and pair of black basketball shorts. I wore a plain grey sweatshirt and I didn’t wear pants so, I was just in my underwear. Justin was a bit nervous and embarrassed because I was only in my underwear and just a sweatshirt but I didn’t care. He’s my fiancé; he should get use to this. We were cuddling with the covers over our legs and Justin sitting up against the headboard. He had wrapped his arm around my waist as my head was on his chest with his chin resting on top of my head. I felt his fingers tracing around my exposed thigh.

       “Justin?” I spoke up. He hummed in response. “What’s your talent?” I asked curiously. I’m sure that being smart isn’t a talent really. It just shows that he wants to be successful in the future.

       He seemed hesitant at the question. It would be a bit odd if he doesn’t have one. I know everyone has a talent of their own. For me . . . I would say I’m the multi-talented type. It’s been like that since I was little. “Umm . . . Well, I do know how to play a couple of instruments.” He said shyly. A small smile appeared on my face. Looks like my baby is a musician. “Really?” I responded in amusement. “Name some of the instruments.”

       He grew a bit shy. “Err . . . Well, there’s the uh . . .” I listened as he listed down the names. I was impressed at how many he can play. “Hmm, could you play me one of them after we get home?” I asked. I watched as his beautiful brown eyes grew wide. He’s getting nervous. “U-Uhhh . . . I don’t think t-that I remember how to play them.” He lied. I gave him a smug look. “Oh really?” He merely nodded. I mentally awed at his cuteness. I got up and crawled onto his lap. I saw his face got even red; redder than a tomato.

       Once I was comfortably straddled on his lap with my legs on either side of him, I placed his hands on my hips. We were chest to chest and eye to eye. “You know, it’s not good to lie.” I whispered as I placed my hands on the sides of his neck. I saw his Adam’s apple move up and down in result of gulping. “U-Umm . . .” He couldn’t utter a word. “Shh.” I shushed as I brushed our lips together. I felt his breath against my lips as his lips parted. “Bad boys get punished for lying, did you know that.” I whispered seductively into his ear before tugging his earlobe in between my teeth.

       His breathing got unsteady. I smirked as I got him under my trance judging by the look he has on his face. I ran my fingers through his soft hair. “Are you going to play your instruments for me when we get back home?” I asked. His face was flushed as he looked deeply into my eyes. “Y-Yeah . . .” He croaked.

       I giggled and kissed his nose. “Good boy.” I winked.


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