Forty:- Untold Secret

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~Justin’s point of view~

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. It was only 7.00 a.m. I reached over to the bedside table for my phone. I turned it on to find that it was only Sunday and school doesn’t start tomorrow. I placed the phone back onto the bedside table and lay back down on my bed as I stared up at the ceiling. I sighed as I tapped my fingers against my bare stomach since I usually don’t sleep with a shirt on.

       A smile crept onto my lips when flashes of yesterday with Darielle came into my mind. She’s slowly becoming soft and doesn’t show her signature mysterious-self. Still she would show her old-self to others. I’m just glad I don’t have to put up with that. Even if she did act cold towards people, I could only watch. She’s a wise young teenager and she knows her rights and wrongs. You can’t tell her otherwise because she would always be right.

       I breathed out and decided to get up. I swung my legs over the bed until I felt the cold wooden floor under my feet. I yawned and stretched until the sounds of my back cracking filled my ears. A sigh of relief expressed from me. I got up and went straight for the shower.

       After dressing up into a simple black t-shirt with black basketball shorts, I went downstairs to find no sign of my mom in the kitchen making breakfast like she usually does. My forehead creased as I looked for her. “Mom?” I called out to her. I got no response. I tugged my lips to the side as I wondered. As I passed the refrigerator, I saw a big sticky note written in thick black ink; possibly a Sharpie.

       I pulled it from the fridge door and read it.

       ‘Hey honey, I’m sorry that I’ve suddenly disappeared. I’m actually going to a seminar in the Bahamas for a month. I was supposed to tell you yesterday but I saw how happy you were to visit Darielle & you came home at midnight. Anyways, take care & be safe. p/s: you can bring Dari over for alone time. ;)’

       “Love Mom.” I muttered the last words on the note. I sniffled as I set the note down on the island. Call me crybaby all you want but I’m really going to miss my mother. I just came back from the cruise and I didn’t even get the chance to spend time with her. I slumped down on the stool and rested my arms on the island as I lay my head on my arms as a cushion. My lips pouted as I felt my energy drain from my soul.

       I felt so lonely in the house without the presence of my mom. A sigh escaped through my mouth as I stared at nothing. It wasn’t until a few minutes later; the doorbell rang making me turn my head to look at the door. Who would be here? I breathed out from my nose as I dragged myself over to answer the door. When I did, automatically my energy came swirling back into my soul. My cheeks hurt from smiling at the person in front of me.

       “Darielle?” She smiled as she met my eyes. “Hey.” She spoke softly making my heart feel as if it’s fluttering. I looked at her from head to toe. Her beautiful waves of hair was let down. She wore a white sweater dress with the ends of the dress being lace. Her hands were covered by the long sleeves making her have sweater paws which I found ridiculously adorable. She wore black thigh-high stockings with cute black flats. I smiled in adoration at the sight.

       I noticed she brought a backpack with her that was slung over her shoulder. My eyebrows furrowed. “What brings you here and why did you bring a backpack?” I asked curiously. She pressed her lips together before looking at me. “Can I come in?” She asked. I mentally face-palm for being so stupid and for letting my own fiancée stand outside.

       I stepped aside and let her walk in. I closed the door and turned around to see her standing in the hallway just looking at the ground with an unreadable expression. I walked closer to her until her shoulder was touching my chest. I took the backpack from her and placed it by the wall.

       My hand reached down to hers and intertwined our fingers together. “Why are you so quiet? I mean, you’re mostly quiet but this is a little different.” I told as she stared down at our hands. She looked up at me and then pulled me towards the living room. I was perplexed to the whole thing but I just followed. She pushed me down to sit on the couch and she followed afterwards but instead, she sat sideways on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck whilst she dug her head in my neck.

       I was really lost by her sudden actions. “D-Did you come here to . . . cuddle?” I asked. I felt her breaths hitting my skin when she softly chuckled. “You’re so cute.” She mumbled against my neck. I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks. I cleared my throat and spoke, “So why did you come here?” I asked softly as I wrapped my arms around her. I felt like I wanted to be a cat. Just rubbing my head against her while I purr in happiness.

       She said nothing for a while until she spoke, “Justin?” I hummed in response. “Does it hurt when you just found happiness and it suddenly has to go?” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I ponder on her question for a moment before answering, “I guess so, yes it does.” She sighed. “As expected.” She murmured.

       She pulled away from my neck and faced me with her arms still around my neck. A solemn expression was shown on her face making me concern. “That’s the thing.” She spoke softly as she took her hand and caressed one side of my face. “You are my happiness and it pains me to leave you."

       What? Am I hearing this right? Did she just-. “You’re leaving? Leaving where? What? Why? Where are you going?” I bombed her with questions as my mind began to think a lot of things. My stomach churned uncomfortably at the thought of Darielle leaving; especially me. “Justin, Justin, calm down.” I felt her hands on each side of my face. She made me look into her eyes. My breathing became a little rapid. I was almost having a panic attack.

       She stared at me with sympathy and loneliness. “You’re crying.” She spoke quietly as she wiped the tears off my face. I didn’t even realize that I was crying. I can’t complain. I don’t want Darielle leaving; we’ve just started to become a real couple. I couldn’t bear at the thought of her not by my side. I let out short breaths. I’m such a wimp.

       After I calmed down, I looked at her. “Why would you leave?” My voice was hoarse and dry. She sighed and adjusted herself in my lap; now she was straddling me. “Even a secluded person like me has secrets.” I looked down. “Remember the story I told you about the death of my parents?” I slightly nodded. She sighed and gave me a sad smile. Why would she smile even when she’s as sad as me? I don’t have the muscle to smile right now.

       “Well, I haven’t been quite honest with you about it.” That caught my attention. “What?” I spoke. She let out a breath as she ran her fingers through my hair in admiration.

       “I actually do have a family and I have to go back because of my neglected duty.”


Three updates to make up for one month of not updating!

After weeks of exam, I studied the night before the day.

Yep, that's how I score. LOL :D

Anyways, I hope those 3 chapters are okay.

~Miss Rosario

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