what should I do??

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Meera stirred in sleep when she heard the alarm, she groaned and switch off the alarm. She doesn't have an idea when she slept. She lost her sleep, her happiness , because of him. She thought he would be her prince charming, but he becomes her worst nightmare. Which she can never forget. She stays million kilometers away from his presence yet he disturbs her. Sighing, she looked at the clock, before pulling her out of the bed.

" good morning dad " meera said hugging her father.

" good morning kiddo. " he seems tired.

" are you alright dad, you look a little low today. "

" I'm fine kiddo, may be its because of the lack of sleep. I was working in a file so I went to bed at 2 am. "

" what dad ! How many times should I tell you take care of your health and don't bring your office stuff here"

" sorry kiddo. "

" it's okay, take care. I'm leaving early as my professor batacharya wanted to meet him in the college. Bye dad. " waving her hand at him, she walked out closing the door behind.


UK :

" what about the France branch. Didn't I ask you to submit the report on my table on 8 am. "

" sorry Mr Khan. I'm still working on it. Sorry to inform the COO of France branch didn't submit the report till now. "

" what? Okay call Thomas and tell him, my company dont need him anymore. "

" sir " Steven gasped in horror.

" sir, he's been working in our company... "

" I don't care about the numbers, I want people to finish the work within the time I have given to them. You would mail him or you want me to send t.... "

" n.. No sir, I'll send the mail. " haider nodded and punched the keys of the laptop.

" the Korean clients are here " Lisa informed .

" thanks Lisa, take them to the conference hall. I'll be there in a couple of minutes. " he hung up the call.


" what the hell. " haider growled at the sight in his cabin. Sid and avanti were kissing... Damn scratch that they were literally eating each other's mouth when the time haider returned from the meeting.

" no, not here. It's my office. How time should I tell you to stop treating my office as your bedroom. " he said slapping sid's head. They quickly break the kiss and adjust their clothes.

" sorry bro, we were waiting for you... "

" and you start eating each other's mouth... " he said without breaking his gaze from the file.

Sid bite his tongue as avanti's cheeks heated.

Clearing his throat
" well we came here to inform you that... "

" your engagement on Saturday and you want me there on Friday. "

" well yes,  I want you there buddy. "

" the arrangements are done. You don't need to worry about it. And I'll be there at Friday evening. " haider said.

Avanti sighed " h.. Haider it's been a long we have seen your smile... Please back to normal, just the way you were in our school days. "

" I didn't feel a weight in my heart that time avanti, I didn't feel like dying slowly, I didn't wish for death that time. I.. I didn't feel someone crushing my heart under their.... Leave it avanti.. You can't bring the old haider. I think you should leave now. I have an another meeting in ten minutes. " sid and avanti glanced each other before walking out.

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