see the real him

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She broke down his walls without his even noticing. And when she rebuild the walls she added windows to let the sunshine in...


Meera walks on the abdonded football court in her school. Since they build a new one ,students in the school stopped using it. If meera wants to sit alone she will come here.

Meera doesn't know what she can do to make haider study, she left notes about homework and she tried to talk to him but he never pays attention to her notes and he walks away if he see her coming in his way. If it's someone else meera would have given up long back, but something about him is pulling her towards him, she just wants to break his walls and see the real him .

Haider kicked the ball for ninth time , he is in the abdonded football ground as he's tired of sid and his stupid questions.

Earlier in the morning sid walk to his room and asked why he's trying to avoid them and why he's not sitting with them during lunch hours.

How he can say that he's not avoiding them, his friends are his family. He never means to avoid them but he can't face meera. Her innocent face making him loose control over him ,he just want to claim her, mark her as his and never let go , but he don't deserve her. He don't deserve to love, he's a fucking monster. He fucks life out of people, he don't deserve someone as pure as meera.

Since the dean said meera has to help in his studies, she's trying hard to help him. She left the notes in his desk and tried to talk to him in free time but he avoided her. He took her notes and saved it, but he acted like he never see her notes.

Yesterday during the lunch hour she came to talk to him, haider saw her coming to him, he saw a blonde girl walking to him, he pulled the girl to him by her neck and asked her to follow him to the boy's locker room. He had seen the hurt in her eyes , he swear he had seen the tears in her eyes ,he wanted to prove her it's waste of time to run behind him. But he didn't expect her to cry over this, he pushed the girl as soon as meera ran from there. He clenched his eyes shut and punched the wall. At this moment he understood that he can never see her crying, it breaks his heart to her in tears.

Haider kicked the ball as he remembered her face, he was shocked when he heard someone crying from behind.

Meera jumped when she heard the sounds from the football court. She gulped when she saw half naked haider kicking the ball, his body moved elegantly. No wonder why he's football team captain, his every kick was so powerful. His body was drenched with sweat, meera wetted her dry lips. Meera can be swear that she had never seen a hottest man like haider before, there are hundreds of good looking guys in her school but haider is hottest may be that's why girls droll over him.
She clenched her fist as she remembered yesterday incident, she doesn't have an idea how many hours she did cry last night, but why? She doesn't know, but it hurt her to see him with an another girl.

She doesn't have an idea how and when she started walking to him, she was so busy in drooling over him that she missed the ball coming in her way. She cried and fall on the ground on her ass as the ball hit on her knees .

Haider turned his head to see meera on the ground holding her knees and crying. He ran to her,

' I'm sorry ,I'm sorry I didn't see you coming here " he said looking at the ball on the ground. He saw the blood coming from the wound, he scooped her in his arms and ran into the nurse room. Meera was embarrassed when he ran to the nurse room with her in his arms, she hid her face into his neck as she heard the gasps and whispers of students . Haider's friends saw him running to the nurse room with meera, they were about to follow him but sid stopped them.

' guys let them be ' they looked at him confused ,

" I'll explain later, now let's go" he looked around the students " guys he's just haider, he's not Some werewolf or vampire. Stop giving this look " saying he dragged his friends to the classroom.

Haider waited outside of the nurse room ,

' you can go and see her ' the nurse said, haider nodded and walked into the room.

Meera looked embarrassed and looked down " I.. I'm sorry.. I am such a cry baby " she bit her lip . Haider chuckled.

" it's okay, you are cute " she blushed.

"hmm can I ask you something? " is she's going to ask why did I avoid her! He thought.

" can.. Can you teach me how to play f.. Football.. " haider arched a brow, did she really ask me to teach her how to play soccer?

" I ..i love Messi, I love to watch him play. Hmmm you are good too. I mean you are an amazing player, can you teach me please " he couldn't say no to her, he nodded.

" great " she smiled.

In exchange " I'll teach you maths, I saw your paper you are so... " she bit her tongue as she realised what she was saying, haider burst into laughter.

" you.. You checked my exam papers.. God.. I.. I thought you are a good girl... " he said in between the laugh, meera looked up at him in awe,

" I love your laugh . You should laugh often " he didn't realised she made him laugh, till now he ran from her. He didn't know how much he felt his heart light when he's around her.

" so it's a deal " haider arched a brow and nodded,

" yes ma'am it's a deal "

" let's go, I'll drop you in home " he helped her, his breath hitched when she placed her hand on his shoulder, her floral scent making his heart go crazy.

He walks them to his car and asked her address . He nodded and drive them to her home.

A man in his early 40's opened the door,

" oh my god, what happened to my child " he said looking at meera.

" dad dad relax, I'm fine. It's just.... An accident... Don't panic please. I'm good. I'll be fine in a couple of days. "

" oh sorry, I didn't notice you young man, please get in. Let's have a cup of coffee "

" no sir, it's fine. I.. I just came here to drop her. " haider said politely.

" you helped my daughter, you deserve a cup of coffee. Don't deny " haider nodded and Meera's father led them to the living room.

" BTW I'm ram kapoor " Meera's father introduced himself

" haider "

" you mean.. Haider Ali Khan.. " haider looked at him surprised.

" meera talk about you a lot " haider looked at meera, she looked at the ground.

" what did she say about me " I hope she didn't say him that I'm a man whore.

" that you helped her a lot in the first day of the school and you introduced your friends to her. Thanks my son " never in his life someone talk good about him ,it feels good to know , meera have a good opinion about him.

" I think I should go . It's getting late "

" sure my son, will you meet you sometime "

" I'll drop him " meera said, her father nodded.

" thank you " haider said once they reached to the door.

" I didn't lie about you ,may be you are good in acting but I still can see your face behind the mask " haider stunned by her answer no one ever said this to him. Without an another word he walked to his car.

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