chapter 24

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A gasp escaped from everyone's mouth when they saw haider, meera walking to the school hand in hand. Everyone started whispering as haider never hold anyone's hand.

They all know that meera already become a part of his gang but they never thought he'll bring her to school in his car.

"He doesn't drive the girls he sleeps with, so what happened now " a blonde girl asked.

" no idea babes, may be he slept with her " a short girl said 

" oh come on, haider still have taste in girls. " blonde replied.

As soon as they entered into the class room they invited by their friends.

" Woh someone left home early to pick up someone " sid said, haider rolled his eyes and walk to his desk.

Instead of sitting his regular place he sat beside meera.

Liza back to the school after two weeks, she didn't want to face the wrath of haider so she stayed in her farmhouse for a couple of weeks. She did notice when haider switch his place with raashi.

" what are you doing " meera wishpered.

" my girlfriend didn't give me morning kiss. So I thought to get it now " her heart pounding hard

" are you... We are in the class "

" so... "

" so... Hai... "

She cut off when haider pulled her face close to him and smashed his lips on her. He noticed how the girls around him envying meera. He wanted to say that she's his and no one can mess with her.

" good morning baby girl " haider said and kissed her flushed cheeks .

" no more PDA please " sid groaned.

" Ohh looser your girl is here, why are you groaning when I kiss my girlfriend " he emphasize the word girl friend while glaring at the girls.

Students started whispering when haider announced meera his girl friend.

" silence " they heard the voice of Mrs Williams. Everyone quickly walk back to their seats .

" good morning. Take page number 134 in your text book... " and she continues the lesson.

" Ms liza, do you have a problem. You don't seems paying attention to the class " Liza was shocked and heart broken when haider announced meera his girl friend.

She is in love with him since fifth grade,

" Ms Liza " Mrs Williams yelled.

" I.. I have to go to bathroom "

" are you alright ms Liza. " Mrs Williams asked concerned.

" I'm fine Mrs Williams " she answered before running out of the room.

" OKay let's get back to the lesson " Mrs Williams continued.

It was lunch time, meera come with her tray, she saw her friends already sitting in their regular place.

" no chair? " she asked

" why you need a chair, sit on my lap " sid and vishal laughed while Meera's cheek heaten in embarrassment.

" there is nothing to embarrass baby girl " he said pulling her on his lap. Students in the cafeteria watching the scene. When haider announced meera his girl, it spreaded faster than the air.

Some didn't believe as haider was never in a relationship and meera is a nerdy. They saw how possesivley haider wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Some students were happy while the girls were burning in jealous. Since they all know about haider, they know it's better for them to stay away from meera, if they mess with haider's girl, they know he won't let them alive.

Meera walk-ing to her next class after taking books from the locker. Suddenly someone pulled her into the empty classroom.

" haider " she breathed relief,

" what are you doing " she gulped looking at his eyes .

She flinched when his cold fingers touched her bare arms.

He was so close to her she could smell his cologne .

She touched his chest she could feel his muscles under the shirt. Since she saw him half naked, she dreamed to touch his muscles .

Haider let her touch him, he wanted to push her agaist the wall and kiss her. But he let her enjoy her moments. He chuckled at her eagerness and innocent.

My baby girl.... He thought proudly.

He groaned in pleasure when she kissed his chest covered shirt. He felt his member growing hard, just to think about her kissing his bare chest.

Meera jumped when the bell rang, haider groaned and kiss meera before she started running to her next class.

" Pagal " he muttered as she blowed kiss and ran back to the class.

" love , really " he heard a bitter voice from behind.

" what you want Liza " he asked in monotone. He's not in the mood to deal with her.

" haider Ali Khan is in love... Joke of the century isn't it "

" you don't do love, you Fuck. Didn't you say the same dialogue when I proposed to you, so what happened "

" meera happened " he said calmly and firmly.

" admit it haider you want to laid with her and you to know that I'm the best in bed. " she traced fingers on his bicep.

" admit it haider you want me.. Only me " his stomach crunched with disgust just a thought of being with a other girl .

" stop it Liza. I'm in love with meera. Accept the fact "

" the fact is that you are a sex hungry beast and she can't satisfy you "

" you are right I'm a beast, remember the tale of beauty and the beast. No matter how many witches Cross the path of beast, the beast will fall in love an angel.. My angel.. " he said and walk to the class room.

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