The Contract

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Meera sighed after switching off the alarm. She's tired, all she want is a good meal and sleep. She have to be in the office before 7 , now it's 4:30 . Sigma enterprises is half an hour distance from her apartment but she can't afford any transport. Hell she's starving for 2 days, she can't waste 2$ for bus, she has $5 in her hand and she need 50$ to buy a medicine for her father. She still need $45 to buy the medicine, if her boss is someone else she would have definitely asked half of her payment as advance but its haider, she will never let him know that she need money and she's helpless.

Meera sighed looking at the time, it's already 5:30 in the morning and she have to leave if she wants to reach the office before 7 .

It's 6 a.m and meera is already feeling tired, empty stomach for 2 days is not helping , she needs to walk another half an hour to reach her office. She wants to sit, her legs feeling sore. She jumped When a car parked suddenly near her, she smiled when the old woman she had met during haider's accident. She smiled warmly looking at her

" hi my child, where are you going this early "

" hi,  I'm going for the job... Actually my boss needed me to come early to the office. "

" poor you, it's so early. Anyway why you are walking, where is your office BTW. "

"  sigma enterprises..... "

" sigma enterprises.. Wow you are working in a very big company. But it's 15 min distance from here, you can't walk you will get tired. Come I'll take you to your office. "

" but.... "

" no but's and if's, I'm taking you and I'm going in that way to pick up my son. So don't worry. " meera nodded and hopped into the car.

She is thankful for the old woman ,she massaged her legs a little and closed her eyes. It took another 10 min to reach the office and she already feeling tired .

" thank you so much for your help " meera thanked old woman.

" it's okay my child. Have a good day. "

" thanks. You too. Bye "

" bye " she sighed walking to an empty office.

She saw a coffee machine, and walked to it. This big bad office can give a cup of coffee in free right! She walked to the elevator while sipping her coffee, she was surprised to see the lights in haider's cabin. She looked at the wall clock it's sticking 6:45 .

What he's doing ! Murmuring to herself she walked into his cabin.

Haider couldn't sleep the whole night, one side he's hurt because of the way meera behaved but he also excited to see her. 

He surprised when meera entered into his cabin with a cup of coffee in her hand.

" baby girl..  "he exclaimed.

" it's meera kapoor " she rolled her eyes.

" what are you doing at this time. "

" well my boss asked me to bring my ass on 7 in the morning " she spatted

Haider sighed before walking to her he stopped when she takes a step backwards.

' it's okay baby girl. I'll stand 2 feet away from you. " hurt was evident in his voice, it hurt meera to treat him like this also she wouldn't let him fool her this time.

She cleared her throat,

"  my job ...what should I do? "

He buttoned his coat and walk back to his desk to take the contract.

" here baby girl you need to sign the contract before starting the job. " she placed her cup on his desk and take the contract papers in her hand to read.

" what!! Are you going to read the whole contract. Come on baby girl we don't have a time for it. I have a meeting In an hour. I can't wait till you finish the god damn contract. "

" but I need to read it. "

"why?  Are you afraid baby girl. " he knew where to click, she took the pen in his desk and signed it.

" cool... " he smirked. " that's your desk, you just need to sit there till I give you a work. "

That's when she saw a desk in his cabin...

" hell you want me to share a cabin with you " she yelled

" chill baby girl you are my VPA, didn't I tell you you have to be with me like my shadow. "

" I'm not your baby girl and to hell with your shadow thing... "

" relax and enjoy your coffee my dear. " he winked and handed her cup of coffee. She had no choice but go to her desk and wait for him to give work.

Meera sighed for nth time, haider has been working like a machine and she is doing nothing but staring at him. It's been 3 hours and he didn't give her any work except bring a coffee for him.

She was frustrated, she walked to his desk.

" Are you really going to pay me for sitting in your cabin like a statue? "

He lifted his gaze from the file to her " Argh my baby girl is angry. You want me to give a work for you. " she nodded.

' cute ' he thought.

" okay, come and fix my tie. We need to go for a meeting before that give me a kiss. "

" what the hell? You think I'll kiss you for a job...."

" no baby girl this is your job. You should have read the contract. " he threw the copy of the contract.

Her eyes widened looking at his weird rules.
First : he can call her baby girl .

Second : he can ask for a kiss.
( also he won't object if she demands a kiss )

." the hell, that's it I'm quitting the job "

" only if its that easy! "

" what do you mean? "

" read the 10th one... "

" can't quite the job for year ... A year like seriously ..." she throws her hand in frustration.

' You made me fool... Again... Didn't you haider  " hurt flashed in his face.

" if you think like that.... All I wanted your presence near me.. Well.. He cleard his throat 

" I asked you a kiss " after five minutes of argument she finally accepted, she cursed him under her breath before walking near to him.

Closing her eyes she leaned in to kiss him, to her surprise she felt his cheek instead of his lips.

For a moment she forgot everything and feel his soft yet rough stubble .his musky scent driving her crazy .

Haider didn't want to force her to kiss him,so he turned his face aside when she was about to kiss him. He felt alive, every cell of his body got a life when her soft lips pressed against his cheek.

They kissed a million times before but this kiss felt different. May be because he didn't feel her soft lips for ten years now. Suddenly they heard a, knock on the door, meera quickly moved away from him and walked to her desk.

I know baby, you felt something now... And I will bring back my baby girl and that's a promise. He vowed to himself before walking out.

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