~Chapter 2~

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I woke up in a hospital bed. The smell of medication and scrubs filled my nose. I looked around. Why am I in the hospital? A woman in purple scrubs came in and smiled.

"Hello Calum, I am Dr.Fallone," I smiled. So my name is Calum

"Hello." My voice cracked. "You are here because you got into a car accident and had severe injuries." I nodded not taking my eyes from hers. I wanted to know more because I have a lot of confusion. "Let me take your blood and run some tests. Your loved ones will be visiting after I take your blood." She pulled a needle out of a small package and shot it into my arm. I smiled as she exited and 3 guys came in the room.

There was a tall blonde one, he had a nose piercing, and wore his hair sloped.

One had curly brown hair and a large smile

The othe had purple hair and a eyebrow piercing.

Lets just say they looked like they would be in a pretty punk band. "Hey Calum." The blonde boy spoke. "Hi..." I was going to say a name but nothing came to bind. I chewed on my cheek staring out the window at the cold snowy day. "Do you know us?" The boy with bushy hair asked looking into my eyes. "N-no" I stuttered

They looked at me. The one with lilac hair cried. "Michael dont cry." The tall one rubbed his back. "You really dont remember?" He asked. I nodded chewing on my cheeks. They all left t he room and a very attractive girl walked in. "Calum oh my god Im so sorry I faught with you." She came up to me, hugging my body. "Uh." Is all I could escape from my lips.

She pulled away. "Calum, do you remember what happened?" I shook my head.

The girl chewed her bottom lip. "I dont remember much actually.' She began to cry. "Its all my fault. I was being such a bitch. It's my fault your here. Im so sorry Calum."

I didn't know who she was but it made me feel bad for her. She just kept crying and I dont know what to do.

The doctor came back in and the girl exited the room. "Hello Calum. Well I ran the test and it seems that you have amnesia." The word repeated in my mind



Hello, Chapter two! Yay. I couldnt wait to update. I hope you all enjoyed it. Comment want you think, or vote so I know you all like it. :) Thanks loves <3333

~Amnesia~ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now