~Chapter 29~

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I packed my luggage and sighed. "Are you really leaving?" Lacy asked sighing. "Yeah just for most of the summer and then I will be back. I know I leave a lot but I miss my mum and appearantly my grandma is going to be in Aussie for the next week and a half. I just need something familiar in my life right now."

She nodded and kissed my cheek. "Love  you Ams." She smiled faintly. "Love you to Lacy." 


"Amna love!" My mom embraced me.

I istantly inhaled and smelled her sweet vanilla cinnamon perfume that she bought at Victoria Secret a few years back. Suprising she still has the old bottle. 

My grandma appeared shortly after and I embraced her as well. She smelled of cookies and enchilada's. 

"Oh Amna, you are more beautiful every time I see you." She held her handon my warm cheek. "Awe thanks Gran. Where is Pipa?" I questioned.

Evertime they traveled it would be Gran and Pipa....but I haven't seen him yet.

"he has actually been sick in the hospital for the past few weeks ,love." She sighed. I rolled my luggage to the car and tried not thinking about my sick Grandfather. 

We got into the car and it became quiet very quickly. "How is Calum? Oh he is such a sweet boy. Marriage is in your future with him. I see it." Gran smiled and turned to me. My face went blank and I sighed. 

"Oh sweety..." She stopped and I looked out the window, weaping.


My mom had baked cookies and told me to bring them over to Amna's. I guess he grandmother is in town and my mom would like to see her but she is too busy. I am trying really hard not to open this Tupperware and eat every gingersnap in here. 

Finally after a long, and hungry, journy I reached Amna's. I kocked and a dressed in black old woman opened it. "Calum, please come i. Excuse the mess. Amna just got home from college and I am still trying o find a way to tell her that..." She cleared her throat. "Pipa passed away." 

My heart sank. Pipa was such a good man. even I called him Pipa cause he was like my grandfather. Ash Michael and Luke also called him Pipa. He was definately close to us all.

"She is here?" I qestioned. She nodded. 

"What are those?" she referred to the plate. "oh my mom asked me to bring these here cause she could not make it herself...." 

She took them from me and set them out on the dining table. "Gran who is at the door?" Amna's voice echoed and i couldn't help but smile.

She walked in. She changed in the last 7 months I have been away from her. She has a blue streak in her hair and has a lip piercing. Very hard to notice, like Lukes stud.

"C-calum...Hey um." Gran pulled her back and sighed. 

By the look on Amna's devistated face, I could just tell what she had just been told. She fell to her knees and screached. As if her other had just been shot and killed right in front of her. 

"Amna, Dear, It was time fro Pipa to go and he-" She cut her grandma offf. "No he didn't need to go!" she looked to me. "Bue he- he needs to go." She ran to her room and slammed the door. 

Gran sighed and looked to me. "Let me talk to her Gran." I said and went down the hall. "Amna..." I sat on her bed. Her weaping distracted her from kicking me out. 

i wrapped my arms around her and cuddled her on the bed. Her tears soaked the front side of my shirt and I ruubbed her back.

"Let me see your wrists." She said shakily and held my wrist out. She puulled the sleeves up and saw my wounds. 

I grabbed her arms and pulled the sleeve up. Her cuts were deeper and closer to hitting a vein. I pulled her arm to my lips and gently pressed my lips to them. 

I pulled away and met a strongn gaze with her eyes.

Our lips attached and I felt safe.....felt......happy.

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