~Chapter 7~

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I began brewing coffee. With Calum here everything is very distracting. Everytime I look at him I want to do what we did last night.

But I can't. He likes Lina and I am just going to have to accept that.

I am mearly just a part of his memory. A part that he doesn't even have.

"coffee?" Calum said entering the kitchen. Shirted may I add. I nodded pouring.him and I a cup.

setting two plates of pancakes on the table, I put berries on calums nicely.

There was an awkward silence until Calum broke it. "So last night doesn't need to be spoken of right?"

I nodded trying to make my pancake go past the lump that grew in my throat.

Ashton made him stay last night because his lazy ass was to tired from the interview.

Speaking of, he just texted me telling me to tune in. I flipped the kitchen TV on and patted Calum telling him to pay attention.

"So Calum isn't with us today. As most of our fans know, he got into a car accident and has amnesia." Michael spoke

Luke nodded then took the microphone. "We will keep you all posted. We love you and so does Cal," Ashton took the mic to speak but.no words came.

They all hugged and I turned the TV off. "I really can't explain how much your fans are probably hurting right now" I spoke wanting to cry. I'm hurting right now.

He nodded. I  don't remember any of them but I am sure they are beautiful and amazing." I smiled at his comment.

His phone vibrated. "Lina is here." He stood from the spot he was at.

I opened the front door walking him out into the cold. "Hi Amna." She gave me a smile.

I am not mad at her for being flirty with Cal, I am mad because she knows Calum and I were together. Yet she still hooks up with him.

I waved to Calum and Lina as they off my small home.

Going inside I checked my twitter. Most were tweets from fans. Asking if calums ok, if I am ok. I simply reply no. it's true I'm not. I tweet reassuring them that they are all  beautiful. Which is completely true. I even got jealous of them at times.

And last night, I stopped cause I know he likes Lina. Like I said. I am nothing but forgotten memory.


Hi thank you to anyone that I'd reading, I do hope you enjoy it, love you all #saveCalum

~Amnesia~ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now