Chapter 1

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Wednesday 4th November 1964

The Main House, the Kennedy Compound

When Jack and Jackie walked into the sitting room, every family member got to their feet and clapped. Last night Jack had been re-elected by 61% of the vote.

“Congrats bro.” Bobby grinned as he hugged him.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Well that’s true.” Bobby laughed.

Jack ruffled his hair.

“No! Not the hair!” Bobby exclaimed before dashing off to find a mirror.

Jack laughed before sitting down on the sofa. He wasn’t going to admit it but his back was killing him.

“Hey you happy?” Pat asked as she leaned across to talk to him.

“Yeah very.”

“Good job I voted for you then!”

“Ha-ha thanks Pat!” Jack chuckled.

He was sitting watching Jackie talking to Ethel and Joan when Rose poked his arm. Jack turned to face her. “Come with me.”

Jack slowly got up and followed; as he walked into the hall he fixed his polo shirt. “Yeah Mum?”

“I just want to let you know how proud I am of you and Jackie.”

Jack smiled. “Thanks Mum.”

Rose kissed his cheek before heading back into the room. He was going to go back and join them when he decided to go and find Joe. He went upstairs and into his Dad’s room and found him watching the speech Jack had given last night.

Jack carefully turned the TV off before sitting down opposite him. “Hi Dad.”

Joe scribbled something on his chalk board.

Jack grinned when he read it. It read “Congratulations Mr President.”

“Thanks Dad.”

After a while of talking to him, he quietly snuck down the stairs and down on to the beach. He slipped his sunglasses on and started walking watching the waves crashing into each other.

Inside Jackie had noticed the absence of her husband and went to look for him.

Jack had stopped and was watching the sun move from out behind the clouds. He hadn’t heard Jackie and when she wrapped her arms around his waist he got a fright.

“Gee’s Jackie you gave me fright.”

Jackie laughed. “You alright?”

“Yeah you?”

“I’m elated.” Jackie grinned.

Jack turned his head to face her; he kissed her passionately accepting her tongue happily.

“We should get back.” Jackie said as she started walking back.

Jack just watched her; instead he got down on the warm sand and lay on his aching back. When Jackie turned to see where he’d got to she shouted his name which attracted the attention of the press.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jackie exclaimed as she realised how close he was to the water.


Jackie ran towards him, she hadn’t noticed the press were watching from a distance.

She chucked herself down on the sand beside him. She then straddled on top of him and began kissing his lips. “See told you it was relaxing lying here.”

“Don’t get smart with me.” Jackie exclaimed getting up.

She pulled Jack up and much to her surprise he wrapped her in his arms. “JACK!”

Jack was laughing hysterically as he started chasing her down the beach. When he eventually caught her, he trapped her in his arms. “I love you so much Jacqueline.”

“I love you too Bunny.”

They kissed romantically before going back inside.

“Ha-ha nice playing on the beach.” Teddy smirked.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jack asked as he sat down.

“The press were filming you on the beach and it was being broadcast live, the reporter called you and I quote as excited as children on Christmas morning.”

Jack turned to Jackie. “Well maybe I am, let’s go upstairs.”

Jack said getting up. He grabbed Jackie’s arm and led her upstairs to his old room. “Wow Jack slow down.”

Jack grinned as he began kissing her; he gently turned the lock on the door before pushing her down on to the bed. “To the future.”

Jackie looked up at him. “To the future.”

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