Chapter 4

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Monday 15th February 1965

The White House


Jack and Jackie had slept late after their adventure last night and Jack was just heading to the Oval Office.

He was smiling and humming Let’s Twist Again when he walked in. He suddenly heard sniggering. As he turned round his eyes saw Bobby and Ted sitting on the sofa.

“Well aren’t you a bit late today?” Bobby teased.

“Did you both camp in my office?” Jack asked sitting down.

“No.” Ted protested.

“So are you going to tell us?” Bobby asked fluttering his eyelashes.

“Tell you what exactly?”

“Why you’re so happy?” Bobby teased. “Did you get some action?”

Jack was becoming a little angry. “It was Valentine’s Day yesterday and Jackie and I had a nice quiet night.” Jack replied.

“You mean a very saucy night.” Teddy teased.

“Yous are just jealous because you got none last night because Ethel’s pregnant and Joan’s out of town.”  Jack exclaimed. “Now if you’re done bothering me, get out!”

“Oh we’re never done bothering you.” Bobby laughed.

“I’ll get the secret service on you.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Why?” Teddy asked.

“Because I have serious work to do and I need to get on with it.”

“Is that what you said to Jackie last night?” Bobby asked.

Jack stood up and walked over to the door. “Mrs Lincoln if these two loons try to get back in here don’t let them.”

“Of course sir.”

Bobby and Ted smiled as they left the Oval. Jack closed the door and went back to his work.


He was sitting reading over a document when Mrs Lincoln popped her head in. “Sir I have two other loons here to see you.”

Jack heard Caroline and John laugh. “Send them in.”

“Yes sir.”

Caroline came running in and jumped on his knee as did John. “Daddy, will you please come to my school show next month?” Caroline asked sweetly.

“Of course I will Buttons, is Sam invited?”


John sat there and folded his arms. “My name is John, J-O-H-N, John.”

Jack laughed. “Sorry Sam.”

“Daddy watch this.” John said as he picked up his Dad’s pen. He then grabbed a bit of paper. He wrote John in capitals on the paper. “See my name is John.”

“Ok yes sorry John.”

Caroline was laughing.

“You better go find your mum for dinner.”

“Ok see you soon.” Caroline said before rushing of dragging John behind her.

Jack smiled to himself before going back to work. He loved his kids.

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