Chapter 39

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The Press Briefing Room, the White House


Jack walked in and went and stood at the podium, the press were rowdy. Once they’d calmed down he pointed to the first reporter.


“Sir why did you and Mrs Kennedy take a weekend off at Mr Sinatra’s in Malibu?”

“My wife and I have barley seen each other since Finn was born and after the car crash I felt we needed to spend some time together.”

He pointed to another journalist. “Is it true you and Mrs Kennedy had sex?”

Jack felt slightly embarrassed. “I’m just a man like the rest of you and I’m happily married.”

“Are you trying to dodge that question on purpose?”

“Yes I don’t feel comfortable talking about my private life like that.”

The press nodded.

“Do you think it’s appropriate that Mrs Kennedy wears a bikini?”

“I’m not going to tell my wife what to wear.” Jack said with a slight grin.

“Do you think you should have been more careful?”

Jack paused. “We were having a private break, trying to enjoy ourselves so no the way I see it, is that we had a complete invasion of privacy.”

When he reached the last question he was beginning to feel agitated. “Yes?”

“How often does Mrs Kennedy wear your shirt?”

Jack slammed his fist down. “My wife and I are entitled to a private life and if you want my honest opinion she looks God damn sexy in one of my shirts now for God’s sake stop asking ridiculous questions!” Jack exclaimed before storming out of the room.

Once he was in the corridor he slumped himself against the wall and ruffled his hair. It wasn’t long till Pierre was at his side. “The press have promised not to write any of that.”

Jack looked up. “You’re kidding?”

“No, I explained it was stupid and they agreed.”

“Thank you Pierre.”

Pierre nodded before walking off. Jack headed up to the residence.

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