Chapter 38

911 13 4

Jack and Jackie’s Bedroom, Frank Sinatra’s House


Tuesday 8th February 1966


“This was such a bad idea, I’m so sorry Jackie.” Jack said as he angrily packed his suit case.

“Bunny please calm down, I really did have fun.”

“Yeah but the press have went mad and they won’t leave us alone.”

“Jack.” Jackie pleaded.

“I’m sorry it’s just I wanted a private break with you and now we have magazines printing that we probably spent out entire weekend having sex, I just hate it when they make up lies.”

“I know bunny but chill.”

Jack sighed and sat down beside her. Much to his surprise Jackie sat on her knees and wrapped her arms round him and began kissing and nuzzling his neck. “Are you trying to relax me?”

“Yeah because I know you’re going to have to face the press when we get back.”

“Oh when did life become like this? Why can’t we just have nice quiet weekends like we use to?”

“Because you are the President of the United States.”

Jack smiled as he kissed his wife’s hand.

“You know Jack, when I married you I never thought we’d be sitting here now trying to find time together.”

Jack looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“I…I just never thought we’d last this long. I just I didn’t know how long I could have dealt with your….infidelities.”

Jack nodded. “I understand but Jackie I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

Jack turned and kissed her. “We can have some fun on Air Force One if you want.”

Jackie giggled. “I’d like that.”

After saying there good byes to Frank they were taken to the airport. Once they were on the plane Jack guided Jackie to their cabin and he locked the door.

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