Chapter 5

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Thursday 18th March 1965

The Presidential Limousine

“I’m looking forward to this; Caroline’s been practicing so much.” Jack said as he adjusted his jumper.

“I know I just hope you’ll be alright.” Jackie replied.

“What are you talking about?”

“Lincoln was shot in a theatre.”

Jack laughed. “This is a school hall; I’ll be safe considering I had to buy sixty tickets for the agents.”

“I know.” Jackie teased as she leaned in close to him.

John was sitting opposite playing with his toy car, completely oblivious that his parents were sharing a kiss.

When they arrived at the school Jackie took John’s hand and they followed Jack into the auditorium.

Once they were seated the secret service surrounded them, but many parents were watching them. “Daddy?”

“Yes John?”

“Why are people staring at us?” John asked.

“Ignore them son.”

“Ok.” John replied as cuddled into his Dad. Jack smiled and put his arm round him.

During the show Jack couldn’t take his eyes of Caroline. She was dancing beautifully and smiling.

John began to fidget half way through the show. Jack placed his finger against his son’s lips. “Quiet.”

John nodded before crawling on to his Dad’s knee. Jack wrapped his arms round him and held him tightly.

When the show finished everyone stood up and clapped. As the lights came up all the children walked off stage. Parent gathered in groups to chat.

“Wasn’t she great?” Jack asked turning to Jackie.

“Defiantly she has your singing ability.”

Jack laughed. “I’m sure she’ll be pleased to know that.”

Just then the children started entering the hall. When Caroline saw Jack she ran towards him and straight into his arms. “You were great buttons.”

“Thank you Daddy.”

Jackie smiled as she took John’s hand. “I was thinking we could go to McDonalds.”

“That sounds like a plan.” Jack grinned. He took Caroline’s hand and they all headed back to their car, under the glare of other parents.


After Caroline and John had finished their food they went to the play area with the secret service.

Jack and Jackie were left alone at the table. Jack was busy eating a cheeseburger. “Tonight was fun.” Jackie said as she ate a fry.

“It was.”

“Bunny, are you okay? You’ve been really quiet today.” Jackie said quietly.

“I’ve just been thinking.”

“About what?” Jackie asked taking his hand.

Jack leaned across the table so he was closer to her. She also leaned it. “What is it Jack?”

“I’ve been thinking we could try for another baby, it’s just I was really looking forward to having Patrick and then….I just would really like another child.”

Jackie was staring at him rather startled at what he’d just said.



“We don’t have to if you don’t feel ready it’s just I thought none of us are getting any younger.”

“No I…I agree with you, we should try.” Jackie said as a smile returned to her face.

Jack leaned in even closer and kissed her. Jackie pulled back and took his hand. “If something does go wrong…..”

“Don’t think about that Jackie, we’ll be better prepared I promise, I love you.”

Jackie grinned. “I love you too.”

The pair were silent for a while. “Jack?”

“Yes Jaqueline?”

“I’m really happy we’re going to try.”

Jack smiled. “Me too.”

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