Chapter 14

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The Residence


When Jack got up to the residence that night the kids were already in bed. Jackie was out on the Truman balcony. After he’d quickly changed into a pair of slacks and a polo shirt he headed outside and joined her.

“Hiya kid.” Jack said as he sat down.

“Hi.” Jackie giggled. “I can’t believe this baby will be our Christmas present.”

“Oh yeah it’ll be due just around then.”

“I want to stay here so I’m near you but I don’t want the press invading our privacy.”

“I’ll sort everything.” Jack smiled. “I was thinking we could actually do a TV interview about the pregnancy after we announce it, just so it’s more private.”

“That sounds okay.” Jackie replied. “I wasn’t going to tell anyone apart from the agents or the kids, everyone else can find out when Pierre announces it.”

Jack laughed. “Ok I’ll deal with the wrath of Bobby.”

Jackie smiled as she took his hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too and I’m glad we’re having another baby.”

“Me too bunny.”

They were sitting in silence when John appeared. “I had a bad dream.”

“Come here son.” Jack said as he lifted him on to his knee. “What happened?”

“A monster was chasing me.”

“You know monsters are just people in costumes don’t you?” Jack asked.

“No, is that true Mummy?”

“Yes John it is.”


“Come I’ll take you back to bed.” Jack said as he took his son’s hand.

Once he’d tucked him in, he went back to Jackie.

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