Chapter 18

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Jackie Kennedy’s Room

The White House

“Jack could you help me zip this dress up?”

“Of course Mrs Kennedy.” Jack teased as he zipped the back of her dress up.

 She turned to him and embraced him. He slowly kissed her feeling the small growing bump. They were standing like that when Bobby burst it. He was breathing heavy. “The Indonesian Army has crushed an alleged Communist coup attempt!” Bobby panted.

Jack pulled back from Jackie. “I’ll be back up shortly.”

Jackie nodded and watched as the two brothers quickly dashed out of the room.

She decided to go and sit it in the living room.


Jack still hadn’t returned but Jackie wasn’t feeling well. She hoped he would return soon.

She tried to sleep but she just couldn’t comfy. Suddenly she felt sick, she got up quickly and raced into the bathroom.

She was standing over the toilet when she heard Jack calling her name. When she felt Jack appear behind her she reached for his hand. He quickly poured her a glass of water and held her hair back. “Shh it’s okay kid.” Jack said soothingly as he rubbed her back.

Once she was finished she drank the water. “Are you okay?”

“I just feel warm.”

“Maybe you should get some sleep?”

Jackie nodded. Jack helped her into her nightie before watching her get into bed. “Love you kid.”

“Love you too.”

Jack went to his study for a while he still had a few things to do but he couldn’t wait for the birth.

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