Chapter 2

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Wednesday 20th January 1965

The White House

9am, Jackie Kennedy’s Bedroom

“Wow you look lovely.” Jack said as he walked in.

Jackie blushed as she looked down at her red coat with matching pillbox. “Thank you.”

“Do I look okay?”

“You look very handsome with your three piece suit.” Jackie teased.

“Does this tie go okay?”

“It goes very well.”

“Good and the hat?” Jack asked.

“Bunny listen to me. You look lovely and if you must know your top hat makes you look rather sexy.”

“Well I must wear it then, for your benefit.”

Jackie laughed. “Yes you must.”

Jack hugged her tightly before going to speak to Kenny.

Jackie carefully placed her pillbox on the back of her head before putting the finishing touches to her make up. Caroline and John came in and got a photo taken with her, then Jack came back and they took a family picture.

“Are you ready Mrs Kennedy?” Jack asked holding out his arm.

Jackie took it with pleasure. “Of course Mr President.”

They smiled before heading down to the bullet proof presidential limousine.

Capitol Hill


Jackie was sitting in her seat, it was certainly cold but she didn’t care, Jack looked so happy.

When she got up to stand with the bible Jack smiled at her. “Repeat after me I”

“I John Fitzgerald Kennedy.”

“Do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.”

“Do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.”

“And will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“And will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Jack said to thunderous applause.

He looked up at Jackie and kissed her on the lips. The applause got louder.

As Jack gave his Inaugural Address Jackie sat and listened intently to his every word. Once he’d finished he headed back inside, Jackie was the tenth person behind him and she wanted to see him.

When Jack was out of the view of the cameras he stopped and waited. When Jackie saw him she hurried towards him and wrapped him in her arms. “You were wonderful.”

“Thank you.”

When Jackie looked up, they both had tears in their eyes. She quickly brushed her lips against his. They were interrupted by the sound of a camera. Jack pulled back quickly and looked up at the photographer. “You’re going to publish that aren’t you?” Jack asked.

“Yes sir.”

“Well if you do can I decide the caption?” Jack asked. Jackie looked at him confused.

“Of course.”

“It should say Life of Jack, love of a lady.”

The reporter laughed. “Thank you sir.”

Jack turned back to Jackie and took her hand; they were on their way to lunch.

Jackie Kennedy’s Bedroom

The Residence, the White House


Jack was lying on the bed still half in his suit, Jackie was in the bathroom. She’d worn a beautiful black floor-length dress to the Inaugural balls she looked ravishing.

Jack was dozing slightly when he heard Jackie. As he opened his eyes he saw her leaning against the doorframe in a very short nightie. “Hey Mr President.”

“Well don’t you look sexy?”

“It’s been a long day but I want to look my best.” Jackie teased as she walked towards the bed.

Jack grinned as he pulled her down. He kissed her tenderly and began nuzzling her neck. He was moaning softly when Jackie pulled his belt off. He grinned. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jackie smiled.

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