Chapter 7

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Sunday 21st March 1965

Jack’s Private Study, the Residence


Once the First Family had got back from church Jack had went to his study and called his senior agents in.

“Please take a seat.” Jack said as he indicated to the agents to sit on the sofas.

Jack went and leaned against his desk. He took his tie off and left it on his chair while he waited for two of Jackie’s agents.

Once they had all arrived and were seated Jack began to speak. “You’re probably all wondering why I called you all here.” Jack said.

The agents all nodded.

“What I’m about to tell you is rather awkward and somewhat embarrassing so I’m trusting you.” Jack said. “Jackie and I are trying for another baby.”

“Congratulations sir.” Clint smiled.

“Well here’s the awkward part, Jackie and I can’t get enough time without interruptions too….”

The agents cut him off. “We get where you’re going with that Mr President.”

“Well I have a proposition for you, every Wednesday night between 8pm and 9pm Jackie and I are going to clear our schedules so we can have time together but I need you to not let anyone disturb us, so no phone calls are allowed through to the residence and no one is allowed in.”

His agents all nodded. “That’s fine sir.”

Clint was one of the last agents to leave. “Clint?” Jack called.

Clint turned round to face the President. “Yes sir?”

“That was the most awkward thing ever.”

Clint smiled. “We all understand sir; most of us are fathers too.”


Clint nodded before leaving.

Jack couldn’t believe he had just done that. When he went into his and Jackie’s bedroom Jackie had changed into a pair of slacks and a t-shirt.

After Jack had finished telling Jackie what he’d done she jumped on him and started kissing his neck. “Wow it’s not Wednesday yet.”

Jackie laughed. “Thank you.”

“Come on I challenge you to a game of Frisbee.” Jack said as he got up.

“You’re on Kennedy!”

They rushed down to the garden and started chucking it back and forth. They were laughing hysterically when it turned in to a game of Kennedy Vs Kennedy. Jackie had secret service agents while Jack had his senior staff. In the end Jackie won.

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