Chapter 36

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Monday 7th February 1966

Frank Sinatra’s House, Malibu

It was just past 8am when Jackie got up. She was only wearing Jack’s shirt but it covered her.

She went out on to the deck and looked at the private beach, the water looked so calm. She was alone with her thoughts when she felt a pair of hands on her hips. She turned to find Jack in a white t-shirt and his light blue boxers. “Don’t you care if anyone sees?” Jackie asked as she sat up on the railings.

“Says the women in my shirt.”

Jackie laughed as she wrapped her legs round his waist trapping him. She leaned in and started nuzzling his neck. He groaned slightly and closed his eyes as he felt her nibbling and kissing his neck.

She moved her hands further down his back which surprised Jack. He smiled though and started kissing her lips. He started trying to unbutton her shirt when she pulled back. “Behave yourself Mr President!”

“Come on let’s go back to bed.”

“That I won’t refuse.” Jackie teased as she jumped off the railing. She quickly followed her husband back to their room.


Frank had just come downstairs he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He was about to go looking for the First Couple when the phone rang. “Hello?” Frank asked picking up the receiver.

“Hi Mr Sinatra it’s Pierre Salinger the President’s Press Secretary, could I possibly please speak with him?”

“I’ll see if I can find him back in a minute.”

Frank left the receiver and went a walk along the corridor, he could hear Jack giggling. He knocked awkwardly on the door.

“We’re rather busy.” Jack said.

“Jack your press secretary’s on the phone.”

“Give me a minute.”

After a few minutes Jack appeared in his robe, he had lipstick marks right down his neck. “Where’s the phone?”

“Living room.”

Jack nodded and headed off.

“Yeah Pierre?”

“Sir we have a big problem.”

“Press wise?” Jack asked confused.


“What is it?”

“Well some photographers were tipped off that you were in Malibu and they…..”

Jack cut him off. “Got pictures of me and Jackie this morning on the deck when we weren’t wearing very many clothes and being rather intimate.”

“Yes sir.”

Jack sighed. “God damn it! Can’t they leave us alone?”

“What do you want to do about the pictures?”

“How bad are they?” Jack asked awkwardly.

“You can pretty much tell what you’re going back inside to do.”

“Fuck’s sake.” Jack muttered. “Right I need to talk to Jackie and I’ll phone you back, when are they being released to the press?”

“A few hours.”


After Jack hung up he angrily went back to Jackie storming past Frank.

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