Chapter 6

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Saturday 20th March 1965

The White House


Jack was standing in the Oval surrounded by his advisors. They were talking about Vietnam because there had been troop movements in the north.

“Right I think we should call it a night. If you need me I’ll be in the residence.” Jack said as he picked up his briefcase. He then walked out in to the under path he yanked his tie off and ruffled his hair.

When he reached the residence he closed the door. “Jackie?” Jack shouted.

When there was no response he went into her room. When he opened the door he stopped dead. “Wow.”

Jackie was lying on the bed in a short nightie and had a bottle of wine. She patted the bed for Jack to join.

He dumped his briefcase, shoes and suit jacket before lying down beside her.

“I was thinking we could start trying.” Jackie said.

“I really like that idea.”

Jackie grinned as she started kissing him. He was lying half on top of her as she kissed him running her hands through his hair. He was moaning slightly as his hands ran their way down Jackie’s body. They then moved to the zip on the back of her garment. They were kissing deeply when the phone began to ring.

“Ignore it.” Jack muttered.

Jackie nodded with her mouth still locked against his.

Jackie was trying to get her husband’s trouser zip down when the door burst open. “Oh!” Kenny exclaimed before turning round.

Jack sat up quickly and shoved his shirt on top of Jackie.

“Sir we need you downstairs there’s been more troop movements.” Kenny said awkwardly.

“Ok I’m just coming.”

Kenny nodded and quickly left.

“Jackie I’m so sorry.” Jack said as he quickly got dressed.

“Its fine, it could have been worse.”

Jack nodded. “I’ll see you shortly.”

“Ok.” Jackie said as she watched her husband leave. She was sick of getting no privacy with Jack, having another baby was going to prove slightly more difficult than thought.


When Jack got back to the residence Jackie was sitting in their room sipping a glass of wine. “Jackie?”

“Hi bunny you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine.” Jack replied as he slumped down into the chair beside her.

“You look tired.” Jackie said as she took his hand.

“I am, I’m exhausted.” Jack yawned.

“I suppose you don’t want to try tonight.”

“I’m sorry I just want to go to sleep.”

“I understand bunny.” Jackie smiled. “But Jack we need more than ten minutes to ourselves so we can try for a baby.”

“I know, I know, I’ll sort it, I promise.”

Jackie smiled. “Thank you.”

Once they got into bed Jackie cuddled into her husband. “I love you bunny.”

“I love you too kid.”

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