Chapter 20

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The Waiting Room, GW Hospital

After an hour and a half of waiting a doctor appeared. Jack stood up and looked at the middle-aged man with bold eyes. “Is…is Jackie okay?”

“Please sit down.”

The two men sat opposite each other. “There were a few complications, Mrs Kennedy lost a lot of blood so she needed a double blood transfusion but she will make a full recovery.”

“W…what about the baby?”

The doctor smiled. “You are now the father of a very healthy baby boy.”

“Are you sure he’s okay? He was early.”

“He’s perfectly healthy sir and if I may so say, he is the spitting image of your wife.”

Jack grinned. “Thank you.”

“Where is my wife?”

“She’s in recovery, she isn’t awake yet, I’ll let you know when she is, would you like to meet your son?”

Jack nodded. He followed the doctor down to the nursery. He silently crept in and over to where his new son lay. “Can I hold him?”

“Of course sir, I’ll leave you for now.”

Jack nodded as he picked his tiny son up. He went and sat in the rocking chair and gently rocked his son. Jack’s finger was suddenly trapped in his new son’s hand. He felt a tear escape his eyes. He was perfect Jack thought as he stroked the small dark brown hair on his head.

He was still sitting rocking his son when the doctor returned. “Mrs Kennedy’s awake.”

“I’ll be right there.” Jack said as she stood up. He gently put Baby Kennedy back in his cot before making his way to Jackie’s room.

When he went in Jackie was sitting up, she looked exhausted. “What’s he like?”

“He’s beautiful kid, he looks like you.”

Jackie smiled.

“How are you feeling?” Jack asked taking her hand.

“Tired and a little sore but I’ll be fine.”

He leaned up and kissed her. “I’ll be here for you I promise.”

Jackie smiled. “So is this when you reveal your name idea?”



“Yeah, I was looking for something Irish.”

“I love it. Finn Kennedy.” Jackie exclaimed.

“Would you like me to wheel you down there to meet him?”

“I’d love that bunny.”

Jack smiled and helped her into her robe. She then got in the wheel chair. Jack pushed her slowly down to the nursery.

When they reached Finn, Jack picked him up and placed him in Jackie’s arm. “Aww bunny he’s adorable.”

“I know, he looks like his amazing mummy.”

Jackie grinned and let her lips brush against Jack’s. She was so happy.

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