Chapter 16

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The Residence, the White House

As they walked into their bedroom the phone was ringing. “I’m going to change into something comfier.” Jackie said.

“Ok kid.”

Jack reached for the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello Jack?”

“Yes, it’s Janet, why did you not tell me you and Jackie were having another child.”

“We just wanted to keep it between the two of us.”

“I’m its grandmother.”

“I know Janet but my Mum didn’t even know.” Jack replied.

“Is Jackie there?”

Jack looked at his wife, Jackie shook her head.

“I’m afraid Jackie’s resting at the moment.”

“Ok, I’ll speak to her tomorrow.”

“Night Janet.”

“Night Jack.”

Once Jack hung up he collapsed on to the bed beside his wife. He rolled to face her and gently began rubbing her bump. Suddenly it started to kick. “Oh my God Jack can you feel that?” Jackie exclaimed as a smile spread across her face.

“I can.” Jack replied. “He’s defiantly a Kennedy with the power he has.”

Jackie laughed before kissing him.

Suddenly Bobby burst it. “Bobby you have to feel this.” Jack said excitedly.

Bobby walked up to the bed and gently placed a hand on his sister in laws stomach. “Defiantly a Kennedy in there.”

They all laughed.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were expecting?” Bobby asked.

“It was just our private secret.”

“Jack that day in the oval when you wouldn’t stop smiling was that when you found out?”


“I’m happy for you both.”


Bobby grinned. “You should phone Mum she was elated!”

“I will.”

Once Bobby left Jackie sat up. “I should phone Lee.”

Jack nodded and handed her the phone. He headed out into the hall and grabbed another phone and dialled his Mum’s number.

“Hello Mum?” Jack asked.

“Darling congratulations I’m so happy for you and Jackie.”

“Thank you, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you but we didn’t tell many people.”

“Oh I understand Jack.”

“How’s Dad?”

“He’s happy.” Rose replied.

“Good, send him my love.”

“I will do dear.”

“Speak soon Mum.”

“Bye dear.”

Once he’d hung up he went and joined Jackie back on the bed.

“You should go for a bath you look tired.” Jack whispered.

“I just want to sleep.”

“Ok kid.”

They kissed before Jack helped her into bed. “Night Jackie, I love you.”

“I love you too bunny.”

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