Chapter 25

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Saturday 18th December 1965

Camp David

Jack and Jackie were sitting in the living room quietly enjoying each other’s company.

Jack was sitting reading the paper when Jackie turned the TV up. He looked up to see him and Jackie leaving the White House from a few hours ago.

“The first public appearance of Mrs Kennedy since she gave birth to her son Finn in November, she seems to have lost a lot of weight and is really pale in colour. The President kept a tight grip of her hand as they made their way to Marine One.” The reporter said.

Jackie switched the TV off and sighed. “Have I really lost that much weight?” Jackie asked.

“No kid you haven’t there just being a pain.” Jack replied.

Jackie smiled softly before lying down on the sofa. “I’m sick of having no energy all the time I’m just so tired.”

“Can Doctor Travell not give you anything?”

“No she said I just have to keep resting, I feel better than I did but I’m still exhausted.”

“Well we don’t have to go back to Washington till after Christmas, we’re heading to Palm Beach tomorrow for some privacy.”


Jack went back to his paper.

After a while Jackie sat up. “Jack?”


“I know we haven’t had sex since Finn was conceived and you’re probably missing it but I promise when I feel better we can.”

“Jackie I’m fine, I just want you to get better.”

“Are you sure?”


“Ok.” Jackie replied as she lay back down.

Jack watched her as she fell back asleep.

Sunday 19th December 1965

Air Force One

Jack was sitting in his office talking on the phone with Lem.

“Jack, is Jackie alright? She looked awful in those pictures the other day.”

Jack sighed. “She’s really tired all the time, like when she had John. She was kind of depressed to for a while but she’s getting better, the press just over exaggerate things.”

“I’m glad she’s okay, I was worried about her.”

“So was I.”

“When do you get to Palm Beach, Bobby can’t cope much longer with Caroline and John, they’ve pushed him in the pool twice.” Lem laughed.

“A couple of hours, ha-ha they’re so my kids.”

“So true.”

Jack laughed. “Right I’ll speak to you later.”

“Ok bye Jack.”

Once Jack hung up he dialled Pierre’s number. “Yes?”

“Hello Pierre? Do you have time to talk?” Jack asked.

“Yes of course Sir.”

“I’m sorry for yelling at you the other day, I was just really stressed. Jackie’s not been well and I hadn’t had a lot of sleep.”

“It’s fine sir. Is Mrs Kennedy alright? None of us knew she wasn’t well.”

“She’s getting better but the press don’t need to know she was ill.”

“Of course not sir.”

“Pierre you really don’t need to call me Sir.” Jack replied.

“What do you want me to call you?”


“Really?” Pierre asked.

“Yes Pierre.”

“Ok, I have to go but I’ll speak to you soon.”


Once Jack hung up he pulled Jackie’s Christmas present out of his desk and began wrapping it.

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