Chapter 19

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Friday 19th November 1965

1pm Jackie Kennedy’s Bedroom

Jackie was lying on her bed, she wasn’t feeling well, she had stomach pains. All of a sudden the pain became sharp. “HELP!” Jackie yelled.

Clint Hill came running. “OH MY GOD MRS KENNEDY YOU’RE BLEEDING!”


“I’m going to phone an ambulance.”

“Get Jack.” Jackie sobbed. She hadn’t even noticed she was bleeding.

Within minutes Jack came running in. “Jackie?”


He rushed to her side and took her hand. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I can’t lose another baby.”

“We won’t kid.”

Once they were in the ambulance the pain became worse. “JACK!” Jackie wailed.

He took her hand and rubbed it but she ended up squeezing it.

When they arrived at the hospital she was rushed into a trauma room in the maternity unit. “Sir please wait outside.” A doctor exclaimed.

Jack went and sat in the waiting room he was fidgeting like hell. He wanted Jackie and the baby to be okay.

He pulled his tie off and chucked it across the room. He sat back in the chair and pulled his knees to his chest. He was completely focused on Jackie.

After the slowest twenty minutes of his life a nurse appeared. Jack stood up immediately. “Is my wife okay?”

“We’re taking her for a caesarean section, she’ll be okay.”

“What about the baby it’s five weeks early?”

“We’ll have to see.”

Jack nodded. “Look after her.”

“We will sir.”

“Thank you.”

While Jackie was in theatre Jack paced up and down the corridor, his secret service agents had never seen him like this.

He was pacing and fidgeting with his buttons when an elderly lady walked past with an IV drip. “That’s the problem with being a man.”

Jack looked up. “What do you mean?”

“There’s never an exact role in the birth process your just there worrying and wanting to take the pain away.”

Jack smiled slowly. “Yeah.”

“Why are you in hospital?” Jack asked trying to distract himself.

“I’m getting cancer treatment.”

“Let me walk you back to your room.” Jack said.


“Come on guys just leave me be.” Jack said before quickly escorting the woman away.

“What’s your name?” Jack asked.


“I’m Jack.”

“I know who you are.” Julie smiled. “Well this is my room.”

“It was nice to meet you.” Jack smiled.

“I know you’re busy but could you give me an autograph for my granddaughter?”

“Of course.”

He quickly wrote his name before heading back downstairs. He started pacing again.

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